// File:   zbt_6111_sample.v
// Date:   26-Nov-05
// Author: I. Chuang <ichuang@mit.edu>;
// Sample code for the MIT 6.111 labkit demonstrating use of the ZBT
// memories for video display.  Video input from the NTSC digitizer is
// displayed within an XGA 1024x768 window.  One ZBT memory (ram0) is used
// as the video frame buffer, with 8 bits used per pixel (black & white).
// Since the ZBT is read once for every four pixels, this frees up time for 
// data to be stored to the ZBT during other pixel times.  The NTSC decoder
// runs at 27 MHz, whereas the XGA runs at 65 MHz, so we synchronize
// signals between the two (see ntsc2zbt.v) and let the NTSC data be
// stored to ZBT memory whenever it is available, during cycles when
// pixel reads are not being performed.
// We use a very simple ZBT interface, which does not involve any clock
// generation or hiding of the pipelining.  See zbt_6111.v for more info.
// switch[7] selects between display of NTSC video and test bars
// switch[6] is used for testing the NTSC decoder
// switch[1] selects between test bar periods; these are stored to ZBT
//           during blanking periods
// switch[0] selects vertical test bars (hardwired; not stored in ZBT)
`include "display_16hex.v" 
`include "debounce.v"
`include "video_decoder.v"
`include "zbt_6111.v"
`include "ntsc2zbt.v"

// 6.111 FPGA Labkit -- Template Toplevel Module
// For Labkit Revision 004
// Created: October 31, 2004, from revision 003 file
// Author: Nathan Ickes
// 1) Added signals for logic analyzer pods 2-4.
// 2) Expanded "tv_in_ycrcb" to 20 bits.
// 3) Renamed "tv_out_data" to "tv_out_i2c_data" and "tv_out_sclk" to
//    "tv_out_i2c_clock".
// 4) Reversed disp_data_in and disp_data_out signals, so that "out" is an
//    output of the FPGA, and "in" is an input.
// 1) Combined flash chip enables into a single signal, flash_ce_b.
// 1) Added SRAM clock feedback path input and output
// 2) Renamed "mousedata" to "mouse_data"
// 3) Renamed some ZBT memory signals. Parity bits are now incorporated into 
//    the data bus, and the byte write enables have been combined into the
//    4-bit ram#_bwe_b bus.
// 4) Removed the "systemace_clock" net, since the SystemACE clock is now
//    hardwired on the PCB to the oscillator.
// Complete change history (including bug fixes)
// 2005-Sep-09: Added missing default assignments to "ac97_sdata_out",
//              "disp_data_out", "analyzer[2-3]_clock" and
//              "analyzer[2-3]_data".
// 2005-Jan-23: Reduced flash address bus to 24 bits, to match 128Mb devices
//              actually populated on the boards. (The boards support up to
//              256Mb devices, with 25 address lines.)
// 2004-Oct-31: Adapted to new revision 004 board.
// 2004-May-01: Changed "disp_data_in" to be an output, and gave it a default
//              value. (Previous versions of this file declared this port to
//              be an input.)
// 2004-Apr-29: Reduced SRAM address busses to 19 bits, to match 18Mb devices
//              actually populated on the boards. (The boards support up to
//              72Mb devices, with 21 address lines.)
// 2004-Apr-29: Change history started

module zbt_6111_sampleIndex(beep, audio_reset_b, 
		       ac97_sdata_out, ac97_sdata_in, ac97_synch,
	       vga_out_red, vga_out_green, vga_out_blue, vga_out_sync_b,
	       vga_out_blank_b, vga_out_pixel_clock, vga_out_hsync,

	       tv_out_ycrcb, tv_out_reset_b, tv_out_clock, tv_out_i2c_clock,
	       tv_out_i2c_data, tv_out_pal_ntsc, tv_out_hsync_b,
	       tv_out_vsync_b, tv_out_blank_b, tv_out_subcar_reset,

	       tv_in_ycrcb, tv_in_data_valid, tv_in_line_clock1,
	       tv_in_line_clock2, tv_in_aef, tv_in_hff, tv_in_aff,
	       tv_in_i2c_clock, tv_in_i2c_data, tv_in_fifo_read,
	       tv_in_fifo_clock, tv_in_iso, tv_in_reset_b, tv_in_clock,

	       ram0_data, ram0_address, ram0_adv_ld, ram0_clk, ram0_cen_b,
	       ram0_ce_b, ram0_oe_b, ram0_we_b, ram0_bwe_b, 

	       ram1_data, ram1_address, ram1_adv_ld, ram1_clk, ram1_cen_b,
	       ram1_ce_b, ram1_oe_b, ram1_we_b, ram1_bwe_b,

	       clock_feedback_out, clock_feedback_in,

	       flash_data, flash_address, flash_ce_b, flash_oe_b, flash_we_b,
	       flash_reset_b, flash_sts, flash_byte_b,

	       rs232_txd, rs232_rxd, rs232_rts, rs232_cts,

	       mouse_clock, mouse_data, keyboard_clock, keyboard_data,

	       clock_27mhz, clock1, clock2,

	       disp_blank, disp_data_out, disp_clock, disp_rs, disp_ce_b,
	       disp_reset_b, disp_data_in,

	       button0, button1, button2, button3, button_enter, button_right,
	       button_left, button_down, button_up,


	       user1, user2, user3, user4,

	       systemace_data, systemace_address, systemace_ce_b,
	       systemace_we_b, systemace_oe_b, systemace_irq, systemace_mpbrdy,
	       analyzer1_data, analyzer1_clock,
 	       analyzer2_data, analyzer2_clock,
 	       analyzer3_data, analyzer3_clock,
 	       analyzer4_data, analyzer4_clock);

   output beep, audio_reset_b, ac97_synch, ac97_sdata_out;
   input  ac97_bit_clock, ac97_sdata_in;
   output [7:0] vga_out_red, vga_out_green, vga_out_blue;
   output vga_out_sync_b, vga_out_blank_b, vga_out_pixel_clock,
	  vga_out_hsync, vga_out_vsync;

   output [9:0] tv_out_ycrcb;
   output tv_out_reset_b, tv_out_clock, tv_out_i2c_clock, tv_out_i2c_data,
	  tv_out_pal_ntsc, tv_out_hsync_b, tv_out_vsync_b, tv_out_blank_b,
   input  [19:0] tv_in_ycrcb;
   input  tv_in_data_valid, tv_in_line_clock1, tv_in_line_clock2, tv_in_aef,
	  tv_in_hff, tv_in_aff;
   output tv_in_i2c_clock, tv_in_fifo_read, tv_in_fifo_clock, tv_in_iso,
	  tv_in_reset_b, tv_in_clock;
   inout  tv_in_i2c_data;
   inout  [35:0] ram0_data;
   output [18:0] ram0_address;
   output ram0_adv_ld, ram0_clk, ram0_cen_b, ram0_ce_b, ram0_oe_b, ram0_we_b;
   output [3:0] ram0_bwe_b;
   inout  [35:0] ram1_data;
   output [18:0] ram1_address;
   output ram1_adv_ld, ram1_clk, ram1_cen_b, ram1_ce_b, ram1_oe_b, ram1_we_b;
   output [3:0] ram1_bwe_b;

   input  clock_feedback_in;
   output clock_feedback_out;
   inout  [15:0] flash_data;
   output [23:0] flash_address;
   output flash_ce_b, flash_oe_b, flash_we_b, flash_reset_b, flash_byte_b;
   input  flash_sts;
   output rs232_txd, rs232_rts;
   input  rs232_rxd, rs232_cts;

   input  mouse_clock, mouse_data, keyboard_clock, keyboard_data;

   input  clock_27mhz, clock1, clock2;

   output disp_blank, disp_clock, disp_rs, disp_ce_b, disp_reset_b;  
   input  disp_data_in;
   output  disp_data_out;
   input  button0, button1, button2, button3, button_enter, button_right,
	  button_left, button_down, button_up;
   input  [7:0] switch;
   output [7:0] led;

   inout [31:0] user1, user2, user3, user4;
   inout [43:0] daughtercard;

   inout  [15:0] systemace_data;
   output [6:0]  systemace_address;
   output systemace_ce_b, systemace_we_b, systemace_oe_b;
   input  systemace_irq, systemace_mpbrdy;

   output [15:0] analyzer1_data, analyzer2_data, analyzer3_data, 
   output analyzer1_clock, analyzer2_clock, analyzer3_clock, analyzer4_clock;

   // I/O Assignments
   // Audio Input and Output
   assign beep= 1'b0;
   assign audio_reset_b = 1'b0;
   assign ac97_synch = 1'b0;
   assign ac97_sdata_out = 1'b0;
   // ac97_sdata_in is an input

   // Video Output
   assign tv_out_ycrcb = 10'h0;
   assign tv_out_reset_b = 1'b0;
   assign tv_out_clock = 1'b0;
   assign tv_out_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
   assign tv_out_i2c_data = 1'b0;
   assign tv_out_pal_ntsc = 1'b0;
   assign tv_out_hsync_b = 1'b1;
   assign tv_out_vsync_b = 1'b1;
   assign tv_out_blank_b = 1'b1;
   assign tv_out_subcar_reset = 1'b0;
   // Video Input
   //assign tv_in_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
   assign tv_in_fifo_read = 1'b1;
   assign tv_in_fifo_clock = 1'b0;
   assign tv_in_iso = 1'b1;
   //assign tv_in_reset_b = 1'b0;
   assign tv_in_clock = clock_27mhz;//1'b0;
   //assign tv_in_i2c_data = 1'bZ;
   // tv_in_ycrcb, tv_in_data_valid, tv_in_line_clock1, tv_in_line_clock2, 
   // tv_in_aef, tv_in_hff, and tv_in_aff are inputs
   // SRAMs

/* change lines below to enable ZBT RAM bank0 */

   assign ram0_data = 36'hZ;
   assign ram0_address = 19'h0;
   assign ram0_clk = 1'b0;
   assign ram0_we_b = 1'b1;
   assign ram0_cen_b = 1'b0;	// clock enable

/* enable RAM pins */

   assign ram0_ce_b = 1'b0;
   assign ram0_oe_b = 1'b0;
   assign ram0_adv_ld = 1'b0;
   assign ram0_bwe_b = 4'h0; 


   assign ram1_data = 36'hZ; 
   assign ram1_address = 19'h0;
   assign ram1_adv_ld = 1'b0;
   assign ram1_clk = 1'b0;
   assign ram1_cen_b = 1'b1;
   assign ram1_ce_b = 1'b1;
   assign ram1_oe_b = 1'b1;
   assign ram1_we_b = 1'b1;
   assign ram1_bwe_b = 4'hF;

   assign clock_feedback_out = 1'b0;
   // clock_feedback_in is an input
   // Flash ROM
   assign flash_data = 16'hZ;
   assign flash_address = 24'h0;
   assign flash_ce_b = 1'b1;
   assign flash_oe_b = 1'b1;
   assign flash_we_b = 1'b1;
   assign flash_reset_b = 1'b0;
   assign flash_byte_b = 1'b1;
   // flash_sts is an input

   // RS-232 Interface
   assign rs232_txd = 1'b1;
   assign rs232_rts = 1'b1;
   // rs232_rxd and rs232_cts are inputs

   // PS/2 Ports
   // mouse_clock, mouse_data, keyboard_clock, and keyboard_data are inputs

   // LED Displays
   assign disp_blank = 1'b1;
   assign disp_clock = 1'b0;
   assign disp_rs = 1'b0;
   assign disp_ce_b = 1'b1;
   assign disp_reset_b = 1'b0;
   assign disp_data_out = 1'b0;
   // disp_data_in is an input

   // Buttons, Switches, and Individual LEDs
   //lab3 assign led = 8'hFF;
   // button0, button1, button2, button3, button_enter, button_right,
   // button_left, button_down, button_up, and switches are inputs

   // User I/Os
   assign user1 = 32'hZ;
   assign user2 = 32'hZ;
   assign user3 = 32'hZ;
   assign user4 = 32'hZ;

   // Daughtercard Connectors
   assign daughtercard = 44'hZ;

   // SystemACE Microprocessor Port
   assign systemace_data = 16'hZ;
   assign systemace_address = 7'h0;
   assign systemace_ce_b = 1'b1;
   assign systemace_we_b = 1'b1;
   assign systemace_oe_b = 1'b1;
   // systemace_irq and systemace_mpbrdy are inputs

   // Logic Analyzer
   assign analyzer1_data = 16'h0;
   assign analyzer1_clock = 1'b1;
   assign analyzer2_data = 16'h0;
   assign analyzer2_clock = 1'b1;
   assign analyzer3_data = 16'h0;
   assign analyzer3_clock = 1'b1;
   assign analyzer4_data = 16'h0;
   assign analyzer4_clock = 1'b1;
   // Demonstration of ZBT RAM as video memory

   // use FPGA's digital clock manager to produce a
   // 65MHz clock (actually 64.8MHz)
   wire clock_65mhz_unbuf,clock_65mhz;
   DCM vclk1(.CLKIN(clock_27mhz),.CLKFX(clock_65mhz_unbuf));
   // synthesis attribute CLKFX_DIVIDE of vclk1 is 10
   // synthesis attribute CLKFX_MULTIPLY of vclk1 is 24
   // synthesis attribute CLK_FEEDBACK of vclk1 is NONE
   // synthesis attribute CLKIN_PERIOD of vclk1 is 37
   BUFG vclk2(.O(clock_65mhz),.I(clock_65mhz_unbuf));

   wire clk = clock_65mhz;

   // power-on reset generation
   wire power_on_reset;    // remain high for first 16 clocks
   SRL16 reset_sr (.D(1'b0), .CLK(clk), .Q(power_on_reset),
		   .A0(1'b1), .A1(1'b1), .A2(1'b1), .A3(1'b1));
   defparam reset_sr.INIT = 16'hFFFF;

   // ENTER button is user reset
   wire reset,user_reset;
   debounce db1(power_on_reset, clk, ~button_enter, user_reset);
   assign reset = user_reset | power_on_reset;

   // display module for debugging

   reg [63:0] dispdata;
   display_16hex hexdisp1(reset, clk, dispdata,
			  disp_blank, disp_clock, disp_rs, disp_ce_b,
			  disp_reset_b, disp_data_out);

   // generate basic XVGA video signals
   wire [10:0] hcount;
   wire [9:0]  vcount;
   wire hsync,vsync,blank;
   xvga xvga1(clk,hcount,vcount,hsync,vsync,blank);

   // wire up to ZBT ram

   wire [35:0] vram_write_data;
   wire [35:0] vram_read_data;
   wire [18:0] vram_addr;
   wire        vram_we;

   zbt_6111 zbt1(clk, 1'b1, vram_we, vram_addr,
		   vram_write_data, vram_read_data,
		   ram0_clk, ram0_we_b, ram0_address, ram0_data, ram0_cen_b);

   // generate pixel value from reading ZBT memory
   wire [7:0] 	vr_pixel;
   wire [18:0] 	vram_addr1;

   vram_display vd1(reset,clk,hcount,vcount,vr_pixel,

   // ADV7185 NTSC decoder interface code
   // adv7185 initialization module
   adv7185init adv7185(.reset(reset), .clock_27mhz(clock_27mhz), 
		       .source(1'b0), .tv_in_reset_b(tv_in_reset_b), 

   wire [29:0] ycrcb;	// video data (luminance, chrominance)
   wire [2:0] fvh;	// sync for field, vertical, horizontal
   wire       dv;	// data valid
   ntsc_decode decode (.clk(tv_in_line_clock1), .reset(reset),
		       .ycrcb(ycrcb), .f(fvh[2]),
		       .v(fvh[1]), .h(fvh[0]), .data_valid(dv));

   // code to write NTSC data to video memory

   wire [18:0] ntsc_addr;
   wire [35:0] ntsc_data;
   wire        ntsc_we;
   ntsc_to_zbt n2z (clk, tv_in_line_clock1, fvh, dv, ycrcb[29:22],
		    ntsc_addr, ntsc_data, ntsc_we, switch[6]);

   // code to write pattern to ZBT memory
   reg [31:0] 	count;
   always @(posedge clk) count <= reset ? 0 : count + 1;

   wire [18:0] 	vram_addr2 = count[0+18:0];
   wire [35:0] 	vpat = ( switch[1] ? {4{count[3+3:3],4'b0}}
			 : {4{count[3+4:4],4'b0}} );

   // mux selecting read/write to memory based on which write-enable is chosen

   wire 	sw_ntsc = ~switch[7];
   wire 	my_we = sw_ntsc ? (hcount[1:0]==2'd2) : blank;
   wire [18:0] 	write_addr = sw_ntsc ? ntsc_addr : vram_addr2;
   wire [35:0] 	write_data = sw_ntsc ? ntsc_data : vpat;

//   wire 	write_enable = sw_ntsc ? (my_we & ntsc_we) : my_we;
//   assign 	vram_addr = write_enable ? write_addr : vram_addr1;
//   assign 	vram_we = write_enable;

   assign 	vram_addr = my_we ? write_addr : vram_addr1;
   assign 	vram_we = my_we;
   assign 	vram_write_data = write_data;

   // select output pixel data

   reg [7:0] 	pixel;
   wire 	b,hs,vs;

   delayN dn1(clk,hsync,hs);	// delay by 3 cycles to sync with ZBT read
   delayN dn2(clk,vsync,vs);
   delayN dn3(clk,blank,b);

   always @(posedge clk)
	pixel <= switch[0] ? {hcount[8:6],5'b0} : vr_pixel;

   // VGA Output.  In order to meet the setup and hold times of the
   // AD7125, we send it ~clock_65mhz.
   assign vga_out_red = pixel;
   assign vga_out_green = pixel;
   assign vga_out_blue = pixel;
   assign vga_out_sync_b = 1'b1;    // not used
   assign vga_out_pixel_clock = ~clock_65mhz;
   assign vga_out_blank_b = ~b;
   assign vga_out_hsync = hs;
   assign vga_out_vsync = vs;

   // debugging
   assign led = ~{vram_addr[18:13],reset,switch[0]};

   always @(posedge clk)
     // dispdata <= {vram_read_data,9'b0,vram_addr};
     dispdata <= {ntsc_data,9'b0,ntsc_addr};


// xvga: Generate XVGA display signals (1024 x 768 @ 60Hz)

[Up: zbt_6111_sample xvga1]
module xvgaIndex(vclock,hcount,vcount,hsync,vsync,blank);
   input vclock;
   output [10:0] hcount;
   output [9:0] vcount;
   output 	vsync;
   output 	hsync;
   output 	blank;

   reg 	  hsync,vsync,hblank,vblank,blank;
   reg [10:0] 	 hcount;    // pixel number on current line
   reg [9:0] vcount;	 // line number

   // horizontal: 1344 pixels total
   // display 1024 pixels per line
   wire      hsyncon,hsyncoff,hreset,hblankon;
   assign    hblankon = (hcount == 1023);    
   assign    hsyncon = (hcount == 1047);
   assign    hsyncoff = (hcount == 1183);
   assign    hreset = (hcount == 1343);

   // vertical: 806 lines total
   // display 768 lines
   wire      vsyncon,vsyncoff,vreset,vblankon;
   assign    vblankon = hreset & (vcount == 767);    
   assign    vsyncon = hreset & (vcount == 776);
   assign    vsyncoff = hreset & (vcount == 782);
   assign    vreset = hreset & (vcount == 805);

   // sync and blanking
   wire      next_hblank,next_vblank;
   assign next_hblank = hreset ? 0 : hblankon ? 1 : hblank;
   assign next_vblank = vreset ? 0 : vblankon ? 1 : vblank;
   always @(posedge vclock) begin
      hcount <= hreset ? 0 : hcount + 1;
      hblank <= next_hblank;
      hsync <= hsyncon ? 0 : hsyncoff ? 1 : hsync;  // active low

      vcount <= hreset ? (vreset ? 0 : vcount + 1) : vcount;
      vblank <= next_vblank;
      vsync <= vsyncon ? 0 : vsyncoff ? 1 : vsync;  // active low

      blank <= next_vblank | (next_hblank & ~hreset);

// generate display pixels from reading the ZBT ram
// note that the ZBT ram has 2 cycles of read (and write) latency
// We take care of that by latching the data at an appropriate time.
// Note that the ZBT stores 36 bits per word; we use only 32 bits here,
// decoded into four bytes of pixel data.

[Up: zbt_6111_sample vd1]
module vram_displayIndex(reset,clk,hcount,vcount,vr_pixel,

   input reset, clk;
   input [10:0] hcount;
   input [9:0] 	vcount;
   output [7:0] vr_pixel;
   output [18:0] vram_addr;
   input [35:0]  vram_read_data;
   wire [18:0] 	 vram_addr = {1'b0, vcount, hcount[9:2]};

   wire [1:0] 	 hc4 = hcount[1:0];
   reg [7:0] 	 vr_pixel;
   reg [35:0] 	 vr_data_latched;
   reg [35:0] 	 last_vr_data;

   always @(posedge clk)
     last_vr_data <= (hc4==2'd3) ? vr_data_latched : last_vr_data;

   always @(posedge clk)
     vr_data_latched <= (hc4==2'd1) ? vram_read_data : vr_data_latched;

   always @(last_vr_data)		// each 36-bit word from RAM is decoded to 4 bytes
     case (hc4)
       2'd3: vr_pixel = last_vr_data[7:0];
       2'd2: vr_pixel = last_vr_data[7+8:0+8];
       2'd1: vr_pixel = last_vr_data[7+16:0+16];
       2'd0: vr_pixel = last_vr_data[7+24:0+24];

endmodule // vram_display

// parameterized delay line 

[Up: zbt_6111_sample dn1][Up: zbt_6111_sample dn2][Up: zbt_6111_sample dn3]
module delayNIndex(clk,in,out);
   input clk;
   input in;
   output out;

   parameter NDELAY = 3;

   reg [NDELAY-1:0] shiftreg;
   wire 	    out = shiftreg[NDELAY-1];

   always @(posedge clk)
     shiftreg <= {shiftreg[NDELAY-2:0],in};

endmodule // delayN


This page: Created:Thu Dec 8 21:40:00 2005
From: zbt_6111_sample.v

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