Class SystemInputStream

Direct Known Subclasses:
SerialInputStream, TelnetInputStream

public class SystemInputStream
extends InputStream

This is an implementation of an InputStream for use as Since the underlying root InputStream for a TINI program can come from a serial port, a socket, or any other kind of input, the differing behaviors of these input devices must be reconciled by this class. This class must ensure that input becomes available only after an end of line sequence is received, and that the amount available does not represent any 'inaccessible' data (if the data has not been followed by an end of line character). It must also handle '\r', '\n', and '\r\n' as end of line sequences.

See Also:
SystemPrintStream, Session

Field Summary
protected  byte[] buffer
          The internal buffer that holds all the data that has been received and not yet read by an application.
protected  boolean ECHO
          Indicates whether or not to echo the character just read.
protected  int endPos
          The ending position in the internal buffer where valid data ends.
protected static byte[] ERASE
          Byte sequence for a backspace.
 String fileInName
          If this SystemInputStream reads from a file, this represents the name of the file.
protected  PrintStream out
          The 'echo' stream.
protected  boolean rawMode
          Indicates that the SystemInputStream should return data as soon as it is available, and not wait until an end of line sequence is received.
protected  InputStream root
          The underlying InputStream that this reads from.
protected  Session session
          The user session that owns this SystemInputStream.
protected  int startPos
          The starting position in the internal buffer where valid data is located.
Constructor Summary
SystemInputStream(InputStream in, PrintStream out)
          Creates a new SystemPrintStream with the specified underlying root stream and echo stream.
SystemInputStream(InputStream in, PrintStream out, String fileInName)
          Creates a new SystemInputStream with the specified underlying root stream and echo stream.
Method Summary
 int available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 boolean errorOccurred()
 InputStream getRootStream()
          Returns the underlying root InputStream of this stream.
protected  void increaseBuffer(int newDataSize)
          Ensures the internal buffer is large enough for more data.
protected  int rawAvailable()
          This method should be overridden by subclassing InputStreams.
protected  int rawRead()
          This method should be overridden by subclassing InputStreams.
protected  int rawRead(byte[] buff, int off, int len)
          Reads from the underlying stream and returns data even if an end of line sequence is not received.
 int read()
          Reads the next character from the stream.
 int read(byte[] buff, int off, int len)
          Tries to read len bytes from the stream.
 String readLine()
          Reads a line of text up to but not including the end of line sequence.
 void setEcho(boolean echo)
          Turns on and off echoing back characters read by this stream.
 void setEchoStream(PrintStream echo)
          Sets the PrintStream to echo back characters read by this stream.
 void setRawMode(boolean rawMode)
          Sets the mode for reading data from the underlying stream.
 void setRootStream(InputStream newIn)
          Sets the underlying InputStream to use.
 void setSession(Session session)
          Informs this stream of its owning session.
Methods inherited from class
close, mark, markSupported, read, reset, skip
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Session session
The user session that owns this SystemInputStream.


protected InputStream root
The underlying InputStream that this reads from.


protected PrintStream out
The 'echo' stream. If ECHO is true, this PrintStream will write everything it reads. This is useful in a telnet session, for instance, when a user types something and it needs to be echoed back to the telnet client.
See Also:


protected boolean rawMode
Indicates that the SystemInputStream should return data as soon as it is available, and not wait until an end of line sequence is received.
See Also:
rawRead(), rawRead(byte[],int,int)


protected byte[] buffer
The internal buffer that holds all the data that has been received and not yet read by an application.


protected int startPos
The starting position in the internal buffer where valid data is located.


protected int endPos
The ending position in the internal buffer where valid data ends. This is the next available offset for new data into the internal buffer.


public String fileInName
If this SystemInputStream reads from a file, this represents the name of the file.


protected boolean ECHO
Indicates whether or not to echo the character just read.
See Also:


protected static final byte[] ERASE
Byte sequence for a backspace. (Arrow back, overwrite next character, then arrow back again.)
Constructor Detail


public SystemInputStream(InputStream in,
                         PrintStream out)
Creates a new SystemPrintStream with the specified underlying root stream and echo stream.
in - underlying InputStream to use
out - stream for echo characters


public SystemInputStream(InputStream in,
                         PrintStream out,
                         String fileInName)
Creates a new SystemInputStream with the specified underlying root stream and echo stream. Calling this constructor signifies that the underlying InputStream is reading from a file.
in - underlying InputStream to use
out - stream for echo characters
fileInName - name of the file this stream is reading from
Method Detail


public void setEcho(boolean echo)
Turns on and off echoing back characters read by this stream. This is useful if a session is reading a password, it will not be echoed back to the session.
echo - true to enable echoing, false to disable it
See Also:


public void setEchoStream(PrintStream echo)
Sets the PrintStream to echo back characters read by this stream. Note: you must call setEcho(true) to enable echoing.
echo - stream to echo back characters read
See Also:


public void setSession(Session session)
Informs this stream of its owning session. This allows this stream to call into the session when needed.
session - the owning session


protected int rawRead()
               throws IOException
This method should be overridden by subclassing InputStreams. It should only be called from within a synchronized block. It blocks until data is available and returns the first value it reads. It does not wait for an end of line sequence.
the value read from the underlying stream
IOException - if an error occurs reading from the underlying stream.
See Also:
rawRead(byte[],int,int), rawAvailable(), setRawMode(boolean)


protected int rawRead(byte[] buff,
                      int off,
                      int len)
               throws IOException

Reads from the underlying stream and returns data even if an end of line sequence is not received. If not operating in raw reading mode, it also checks and handles backspace events. Stops if it finds an end of stream.

This method should only be called from within a synchronized block.

number of bytes read
IOException - if an error occurs reading from the underlying stream
See Also:
rawRead(), setRawMode(boolean), rawAvailable()


protected int rawAvailable()
                    throws IOException
This method should be overridden by subclassing InputStreams. It returns the amount available from the underlying root stream. This is not the amount available if the SystemInputStream is not in raw mode.
amount of data available directly from the underlying stream
IOException - if an error occurs in the underlying stream.
See Also:
setRawMode(boolean), rawRead(), rawRead(byte[],int,int)


public String readLine()
Reads a line of text up to but not including the end of line sequence. This method will wait for more input if an end of line sequence or the end of the stream cannot be found. This method recognizes '\r', '\n', and '\r\n' and end of line sequences. If the end of the stream is reached, null is returned. Blank lines are returned as empty strings (a String of length 0).
next line of text available from the underlying InputStream, or null if no more input will be available due to the end of the stream
See Also:
read(), read(byte[],int,int)


public final int read()
               throws IOException
Reads the next character from the stream. If raw mode is not enabled, this method will only return data that has been followed by an end of line sequence.
read in class InputStream
the next character from the stream, or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached
IOException - if an error occurs in the underlying stream
See Also:
setRawMode(boolean), readLine(), read(byte[],int,int)


public int read(byte[] buff,
                int off,
                int len)
         throws IOException
Tries to read len bytes from the stream. If the end of stream is encountered, no more data will be read. If raw mode is not enabled, only data that has been followed by an end of line sequence or the end of the stream will be reported. This method will block until enough data is available to return or the end of the stream is reached.
read in class InputStream
buff - byte array to store the data read
off - offset to begin storing data in the array
len - amount of data requested
the number of characters read, or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached
IOException - if an error occurs in the underlying stream
See Also:
read(), readLine(), setRawMode(boolean)


protected void increaseBuffer(int newDataSize)
Ensures the internal buffer is large enough for more data. This method should only be called from within a synchronized block.
newDataSize - the amount of new data that is about to be copied into the buffer at location endPos


public final int available()
                    throws IOException
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking. This is equivalent to the number of bytes that have been followed by end of line sequences (or by the end of the stream), including the end of line sequences.
available in class InputStream
the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking
IOException - if an error occurs in the underlying stream
See Also:


public void setRawMode(boolean rawMode)
Sets the mode for reading data from the underlying stream. If raw mode is set to true, any call to read data will return the next available data from the underlying stream. If raw mode is false, read calls only report data that has been followed by an end of line character, or the end of the stream, even if the read must block to do so.
rawMode - false to block for an end of line sequence, true to return any available data
See Also:
rawRead(), rawRead(byte[],int,int), rawAvailable(), read(), read(byte[],int,int), available()


public void setRootStream(InputStream newIn)
Sets the underlying InputStream to use.
newIn - new root InputStream to use
See Also:


public InputStream getRootStream()
Returns the underlying root InputStream of this stream.
the root stream
See Also:


public boolean errorOccurred()