Class TelnetServer


public class TelnetServer
extends Server

A simple server that uses the Telnet protocol as described in RFC 854. This server uses a ServerSocket to listen on the specified port (defaults to port 23) for Telnet connection requests. For each connection made, a Telnet session is created. All command processing is handled by the Telnet session, not this server.

Fields inherited from class
sessions, shutdown
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
          Prepares the Telnet server to listen on the well known Telnet port (23).
TelnetServer(int port)
          Prepares the Telnet server to listen on an arbitrary port.
Method Summary
protected  Session acceptNewSession()
          Waits for a connection request.
protected  void closeAllPorts()
          Closes the ServerSocket used to listen for connections.
static String getWelcomeFile()
          Gets the name of the file to be displayed when after a user logs in to this server.
static boolean isRootAllowed()
          Indicates whether root access is allowed to this Telnet server.
Methods inherited from class
broadcast, checkForNewSessions, getConnectedUsers, run, sessionEnded, shutDown
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getName, getPriority, getThreadGroup, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setDaemon, setName, setPriority, sleep, sleep, start, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TelnetServer()
             throws IOException
Prepares the Telnet server to listen on the well known Telnet port (23). The server will not be started and no connections will be accepted until its run() method is executed.


public TelnetServer(int port)
             throws IOException
Prepares the Telnet server to listen on an arbitrary port. The server will not be started and no connections will be accepted until its run() method is executed.
Method Detail


public static String getWelcomeFile()
Gets the name of the file to be displayed when after a user logs in to this server. This file is specified by setting the "TELNET_WELCOME" environment variable equal to the name of the file. This method will always return the value the variable had when the server was constructed. Changing the value of environment variable after creating the server will have no effect.
the name of the welcome file to display, or null if no welcome file was specified


public static boolean isRootAllowed()
Indicates whether root access is allowed to this Telnet server. This is specified with the environment variable "TELNET_ROOT_ALLOWED". Set the variable to "false" to disallow root login. All other values will be interpreted as true and root logins will be accepted. This method will always return the value the variable had when the server was constructed. Changing the value of environment variable after creating the server will have no effect.
true if root is allowed to login


protected Session acceptNewSession()
Description copied from class: Server
Waits for a connection request. This method should block until a request is received. When a request is made, it should create, initialize, and return a new Session to handle that connection.
acceptNewSession in class Server
Tags copied from class: Server
a new Session


protected void closeAllPorts()
                      throws IOException
Closes the ServerSocket used to listen for connections.
closeAllPorts in class Server