Class OneWireContainer10

All Implemented Interfaces:
OneWireSensor, TemperatureContainer

public class OneWireContainer10
extends OneWireContainer
implements TemperatureContainer

1-Wire container for temperature iButton which measures temperatures from -55°C to +100°C, DS1920 or DS18S20. This container encapsulates the functionality of the iButton family type 10 (hex)



See the usage example in TemperatureContainer for temperature specific operations.


1.00, 1 Sep 2000
See Also:

Field Summary
          maximum temperature resolution for this OneWireContainer10 device.
          default temperature resolution for this OneWireContainer10 device.
Fields inherited from interface com.dalsemi.onewire.container.TemperatureContainer
Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty OneWireContainer10.
OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, byte[] newAddress)
          Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device.
OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, long newAddress)
          Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device.
OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter, String newAddress)
          Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device.
Method Summary
static double convertToCelsius(double fahrenheitTemperature)
          Converts a temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
static double convertToFahrenheit(double celsiusTemperature)
          Converts a temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
 void doTemperatureConvert(byte[] state)
          Performs a temperature conversion on state information.
 String getAlternateNames()
          Retrieves the alternate Dallas Semiconductor part numbers or names.
 String getDescription()
          Retrieves a short description of the function of this OneWireContainer10 type.
 double getMaxTemperature()
          Gets the maximum temperature in Celsius.
 double getMinTemperature()
          Gets the minimum temperature in Celsius.
 String getName()
          Retrieves the Dallas Semiconductor part number of this OneWireContainer10 as a String.
 double getTemperature(byte[] state)
          Gets the temperature value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double getTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType, byte[] state)
          Gets the specified temperature alarm value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double getTemperatureAlarmResolution()
          Gets the temperature alarm resolution in Celsius.
 double getTemperatureResolution(byte[] state)
          Gets the current temperature resolution in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
 double[] getTemperatureResolutions()
          Gets an array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius.
 boolean hasSelectableTemperatureResolution()
          Checks to see if this device has selectable temperature resolution.
 boolean hasTemperatureAlarms()
          Checks to see if this temperature measuring device has high/low trip alarms.
 byte[] readDevice()
          Retrieves this OneWireContainer10 state information.
 void setTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType, double alarmValue, byte[] state)
          Sets the temperature alarm value in Celsius in the provided state data.
 void setTemperatureResolution(double resolution, byte[] state)
          Sets the current temperature resolution in Celsius in the provided state data.
 void writeDevice(byte[] state)
          Writes to this OneWireContainer10 state information that have been changed by 'set' methods.
Methods inherited from class com.dalsemi.onewire.container.OneWireContainer
doSpeed, getAdapter, getAddress, getAddressAsLong, getAddressAsString, getMaxSpeed, getMemoryBanks, isAlarming, isPresent, setSpeed, setupContainer, setupContainer, setupContainer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final double RESOLUTION_NORMAL
default temperature resolution for this OneWireContainer10 device.


public static final double RESOLUTION_MAXIMUM
maximum temperature resolution for this OneWireContainer10 device. Use RESOLUTION_MAXIMUM in setResolution() if higher resolution is desired.
Constructor Detail


public OneWireContainer10()
Creates an empty OneWireContainer10. Must call setupContainer() before using this new container.

This is one of the methods to construct a OneWireContainer10. The others are through creating a OneWireContainer10 with parameters.

See Also:
OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,long), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          byte[] newAddress)
Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device. This is one of the methods to construct a OneWireContainer10. The others are through creating a OneWireContainer10 with different parameters types.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this One-Wire device
newAddress - address of this One-Wire device
See Also:
Address, OneWireContainer10(), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,long), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          long newAddress)
Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device. This is one of the methods to construct a OneWireContainer10. The others are through creating a OneWireContainer10 with different parameters types.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this One-Wire device
newAddress - address of this One-Wire device
See Also:
Address, OneWireContainer10(), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,String)


public OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter sourceAdapter,
                          String newAddress)
Creates a OneWireContainer10 with the provided adapter object and the address of this One-Wire device. This is one of the methods to construct a OneWireContainer10. The others are through creating a OneWireContainer10 with different parameters types.
sourceAdapter - adapter object required to communicate with this One-Wire device
newAddress - address of this One-Wire device
See Also:
Address, OneWireContainer10(), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,byte[]), OneWireContainer10(DSPortAdapter,long)
Method Detail


public String getName()
Retrieves the Dallas Semiconductor part number of this OneWireContainer10 as a String. For example 'DS1920'.
getName in class OneWireContainer
this OneWireContainer10 name


public String getAlternateNames()
Retrieves the alternate Dallas Semiconductor part numbers or names. A 'family' of 1-Wire Network devices may have more than one part number depending on packaging. There can also be nicknames such as 'Crypto iButton'.
getAlternateNames in class OneWireContainer
this OneWireContainer10 alternate names


public String getDescription()
Retrieves a short description of the function of this OneWireContainer10 type.
getDescription in class OneWireContainer
OneWireContainer10 functional description


public boolean hasTemperatureAlarms()
Checks to see if this temperature measuring device has high/low trip alarms.
Specified by:
hasTemperatureAlarms in interface TemperatureContainer
true if this OneWireContainer10 has high/low trip alarms
See Also:
getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[]), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public boolean hasSelectableTemperatureResolution()
Checks to see if this device has selectable temperature resolution.
Specified by:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
true if this OneWireContainer10 has selectable temperature resolution
See Also:
getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), getTemperatureResolutions(), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public double[] getTemperatureResolutions()
Gets an array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius.
Specified by:
getTemperatureResolutions in interface TemperatureContainer
byte array of available temperature resolutions in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10. The minimum resolution is returned as the first element and maximum resolution as the last element.
See Also:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public double getTemperatureAlarmResolution()
Gets the temperature alarm resolution in Celsius.
Specified by:
getTemperatureAlarmResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
temperature alarm resolution in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[]), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public double getMaxTemperature()
Gets the maximum temperature in Celsius.
Specified by:
getMaxTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
maximum temperature in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10
See Also:


public double getMinTemperature()
Gets the minimum temperature in Celsius.
Specified by:
getMinTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
minimum temperature in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10
See Also:


public void doTemperatureConvert(byte[] state)
                          throws OneWireIOException,
Performs a temperature conversion on state information.
Specified by:
doTemperatureConvert in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from this OneWireContainer10. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public double getTemperature(byte[] state)
                      throws OneWireIOException
Gets the temperature value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperature in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information for this OneWireContainer10
temperature in Celsius from the last doTemperatureConvert()
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from this OneWireContainer10. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
See Also:


public double getTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType,
                                  byte[] state)
Gets the specified temperature alarm value in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperatureAlarm in interface TemperatureContainer
alarmType - valid value: ALARM_HIGH or ALARM_LOW
state - byte array with device state information
temperature alarm trip values in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), setTemperatureAlarm(int, double, byte[])


public double getTemperatureResolution(byte[] state)
Gets the current temperature resolution in Celsius from the state data retrieved from the readDevice() method.
Specified by:
getTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
state - byte array with device state information
temperature resolution in Celsius for this OneWireContainer10
See Also:
hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolutions(), setTemperatureResolution(double, byte[])


public void setTemperatureAlarm(int alarmType,
                                double alarmValue,
                                byte[] state)
Sets the temperature alarm value in Celsius in the provided state data. Use the method writeDevice() with this data to finalize the change to the device.
Specified by:
setTemperatureAlarm in interface TemperatureContainer
alarmType - valid value: ALARM_HIGH or ALARM_LOW
alarmValue - alarm trip value in Celsius
state - byte array with device state information
See Also:
hasTemperatureAlarms(), getTemperatureAlarm(int, byte[])


public void setTemperatureResolution(double resolution,
                                     byte[] state)
Sets the current temperature resolution in Celsius in the provided state data. Use the method writeDevice() with this data to finalize the change to the device.
Specified by:
setTemperatureResolution in interface TemperatureContainer
resolution - temperature resolution in Celsius. Valid values are RESOLUTION_NORMAL and RESOLUTION_MAXIMUM.
state - byte array with device state information
See Also:
RESOLUTION_NORMAL, RESOLUTION_MAXIMUM, hasSelectableTemperatureResolution(), getTemperatureResolution(byte[]), getTemperatureResolutions()


public byte[] readDevice()
                  throws OneWireIOException,
Retrieves this OneWireContainer10 state information. The state information is returned as a byte array. Pass this byte array to the 'get' and 'set' methods. If the device state needs to be changed, then call the writeDevice() to finalize the changes.
Specified by:
readDevice in interface OneWireSensor
OneWireContainer10 state information. Device state looks like this:
   0 : temperature LSB 
   1 : temperature MSB
   2 : trip high
   3 : trip low
   4 : reserved (put the resolution here, 0 for normal, 1 for max)
   5 : reserved
   6 : count remain
   7 : count per degree Celsius
   8 : an 8 bit CRC over the previous 8 bytes of data
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from this OneWireContainer10. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public void writeDevice(byte[] state)
                 throws OneWireIOException,
Writes to this OneWireContainer10 state information that have been changed by 'set' methods. Only the state registers that changed are updated. This is done by referencing a field information appended to the state data.
Specified by:
writeDevice in interface OneWireSensor
state - byte array with device state information
OneWireIOException - on a 1-Wire communication error such as reading an incorrect CRC from this OneWireContainer10. This could be caused by a physical interruption in the 1-Wire Network due to shorts or a newly arriving 1-Wire device issuing a 'presence pulse'.
OneWireException - on a communication or setup error with the 1-Wire adapter
See Also:


public static double convertToFahrenheit(double celsiusTemperature)
Converts a temperature reading from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
celsiusTemperature - temperature value in Celsius
the Fahrenheit conversion of the supplied temperature


public static double convertToCelsius(double fahrenheitTemperature)
Converts a temperature reading from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
fahrenheitTemperature - temperature value in Fahrenheit
the Celsius conversion of the supplied temperature