Package com.dalsemi.onewire.utils

Interface Summary
NetworkMonitorEventListener Interface to be a complex 1-Wire® Network Monitor Event Listener.
OneWireMonitorEventListener Implementing this interface will allow a class to receive 1-Wire device arrival/departure events from a OneWireMonitor.

Class Summary
Address Utilities to translate and verify the 1-Wire Network address.
Bit Utilities for bit operations on an array.
CRC16 CRC16 is a class containing an implementation of the Cyclic-Redundency-Check (CRC) CRC16.
CRC8 CRC8 is a class to contain an implementation of the Cyclic-Redundency-Check CRC8 for the iButton.
IOHelper Generic IO routines.
NetworkMonitor 1-Wire® complex Network Monitor.
NetworkMonitorEvent 1-Wire® complex Network Event.
OneWireMonitor This class allows an application to be notified of arriving and departing 1-Wire devices on a 1-Wire network.
OneWireMonitorEvent This class encapsulates a 1-Wire network event such as arrival or departure.
OWFile An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames on 1-Wire devices.
OWFileDescriptor Instances of the 1-Wire file descriptor class serve as an opaque handle to the underlying machine-specific structure representing an open file, an open socket, or another source or sink of bytes.
OWFileInputStream A OWFileInputStream obtains input bytes from a file in a 1-Wire Filesystem.
OWFileOutputStream A 1-Wire file output stream is an output stream for writing data to a OWFile or to a OWFileDescriptor.
OWPath 1-Wire® Network path.
OWPathElement 1-Wire® Network path element.