PhD Studio Readings
Friday Studio
Friday Studio for PhDs will occur every Friday immediately after lecture, from 2pm-3pm in 26-142.
Studio Format
Most Friday studios involve a class discussion based on the week’s readings. Each week, one or two students will prepare questions and lead the rest of the class in a discussion. Everyone needs to read the required reading. There will also be optional reading, which will include some of the “the greats” of the field. Read the optional papers for your pleasure, intrigue, and inspiration.
See below for how to prepare for studio…
When You Are Leading the Studio Discussion
For one studio session throughout the semester, you will lead the class discussion during the Friday studio. When it is your turn, you will need to do the following:
- thoroughly read the week’s assigned papers before the week begins
- create questions that will be sent as a Google Form by Sunday at 10pm (details below)
- develop activities during class (details below)
- post at least one substantive comment or reply to a comment on NB for the given readings by 10pm Thursday, the night before studio
When it is your turn to lead the discussion, you will have to develop questions for the class to answer in a Google Form, based on the readings for that week. Please send these questions to the 6.831D TA (Kenny Friedman, by Sunday at 11:59pm on the week of your studio.
You will also need to come up with activities during class for creating a dynamic discussion. Here are some ideas for things you could do:
- Open questions directed at the entire group for discussion.
- Have class participants discuss with their neighbors before opening to the group.
- Collect quantitative data in the form / asking people to raise their hand (everyone gets a feel for how much the group agrees on something).
- Quote some comments from the form answers, contrast them with each other if you find opposing arguments.
- Asking participants come up with real-world examples in their life or in their research.
- Do a hands-on activity alone or with a partner. Don’t forget to bring supplies if you will need them.
Be creative!
When You Are Not Leading the Studio Discussion
On the remaining weeks, when you are not leading a studio, you will have three main tasks to complete.
- actively read the week’s assigned papers (print out and take notes to remember important points)
- post at least one substantive comment or reply to a comment on NB for each paper in the set of readings by 11:59pm Thursday, the night before studio.
- answer the questions on the Google Form by 11:59pm Thursday, the night before studio (the Google Form will be posted to the class website by lecture time Wednesday).
If you feel the readings are taking too long, have a look at this quick guide on efficient reading of research papers.
Feb 9 Studio
Required Readings
- Paper 1: Wobbrock and Kientz. Research Contributions in Human-Computer Interaction Original
- Paper 2: Shneiderman and Maes. Direct Manipulation vs. Interface Agents Original
- Paper 3: Select one paper listed in Paper 1, and skim that and extract the important points.
Optional Readings
- Vannevar Bush envisions the future of thinking (note the year of publication!)
- Doug Engelbart suggests a framework for augmenting human intellect
Feb 16 Studio
Required Readings
- Paper 1: Grudin. Why Groupware Fails
- Paper 2: Daniela Retelny, Se ́bastien Robaszkiewicz, Alexandra To, Walter Lasecki, Jay Patel, Negar Rahmati, Tulsee Doshi, Melissa Valentine, Michael S. Bernstein Flash Teams
- Paper 3: Travis Kriplean, Jonathan T. Morgan, Deen Freelon, Alan Borning, Lance Bennett ConsiderIt
- Paper 4: Adam D. I. Kramer, Jamie E. Guillory, Jeffrey T. Hancock Massive-scale Emotional Contagion
Optional Readings
Google Form Questions: Complete by 11:59pm Thursday evening.
Feb 24 Studio
Google Form to Submit:
Required Readings
- Paper 1: P. Pirolli and S.K. Card Information Foraging
- Paper 2: M.R. Morris and E. Horvitz SearchTogether: An Interface for Collaborative Web Search
- Paper 3: M. Eslami, K. Karahalios, C. Sandvig†, K. Vaccaro A. Rickman, K. Hamilton, A. Kirlik First I “like” it, then I hide it: Folk Theories of Social Feeds
- Paper 4: D.H. Chau, A. Kittur, J.I. Hong, C. Faloutsos Making Sense of Large Network Data: Combining Rich User Interaction and Machine Learning
Optional Readings
March 2 Studio
- GR1 Presentations
March 9 Studio
- GR2 Presentations
March 16 Studio
- GR3 Building
March 23 Studio
- GR3 Presentations
March 30 Studio
- Spring Break
April 6 Studio
- Experimental Design Lecture
April 13 Studio
- Experimental Analysis Lecture
April 20 Studio
- GR4 Presentations
April 27 Studio
Studying the language and structure in non-programmers’ solutions to programming problems by Philip J. Guo, Sean Kandel, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer
Scratch by John Maloney, Mitchel Resnick, Natalie Rusk, Brian Silverman, and Evelyn Eastmond
Automation and customization of rendered web pages by Michael Bolin, Matthew Webber, Philip Rha, Tom Wilson, and Robert C. Miller
Optional Readings
May 4 Studio
Power to the People: The Role of Humans in Interactive Machine Learning by Saleema Amershi, Maya Cakmak, W. Bradley Knox, Todd Kulesza1
Principles of Explanatory Debugging to Personalize Interactive Machine Learning by Todd Kulesza, Margaret Burnett, Weng-Keen Wong, Simone Stumpf
Human Intelligence Needs Artificial Intelligence by Daniel S. Weld, Mausam Peng Dai
Automatically generating personalized user interfaces with Supple by Krzysztof Z. Gajosa, Daniel S. Weld, Jacob O. Wobbrock