6A21: Freshman Advisor Seminar

"Classical Music Performances in Boston"

Fall 1998


A live classical music performance combines many things which cannot be experienced by listening to recordings -- the performance space, the performing group, the live audience, the live music, the selection of program, the performance style and execution.  Boston is blessed with a rich variety of musical groups, concert halls, and programs, many of them free.  In this Freshman Advisor Seminar, we will attend 6 (or more) different LIVE performances:  chamber music, orchestra, opera, voice recitals, choral works -- a broad range.  We will go to some as a group; others by individual choice.  And we will go to different performance spaces:  Symphony Hall, Jordan Hall, Kresge Auditorium, and others.   In addition, we will meet regularly as a seminar group to learn about the specific music, about the concert halls, the performers, and where appropriate, libretti or song texts.  Each student will keep a journal of "reviews", which we will discuss as a group, and will be responsible for developing material for one seminar presentation.
