
Class Meetings:

We will meet on TUESDAYS, 3:30 - 5 PM, in Room 39-327.


Participants are expected to attend every meeting. Notify one of the  instructors  in advance if you must miss a meeting.

Required Work (two components):


1) Reviews of Concerts:

We expect to attend at least six concerts during the term.  After each concert, you will be asked to write a short "review" which comments on the performing artists, the performance space, the program selection, the music, and the quality of the performance.  We will share these reviews in our discussion of the concert.  We can also compare our own reviews with published reviews, whenever we are fortunate enough to find published reviews.  Since it is hard to write reviews from memory, it is suggested that you keep a journal to jot down things as they pass by, and help you construct your own review.  Reviews should be short -- one page is fine -- and legible (preferably typed).  A total of six reviews must be turned in to get credit for the seminar.

2) Seminar Presentation:

At the end of the semester, you will be asked to form teams (or, if you prefer, go it alone) to make a presentation to the group on some topic of interest.  There will be more information on this activity distributed separately.  Previous yearsí topics included:  1) a conducting lesson (complete with a live string quartet to practice with), 2) lutes and their music, 3) the acoustics of concert halls, 4) Moussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, the piano version vs Ravel's orchestration, 5) an introduction to the Brahms Violin Concerto, with live excerpts from the solo part, and 6) how the trumpet works (with live demos and a chance to try it out).  These presentations will occur during the last two meetings of the semester.