F150 - Print Dunning Letters

To generate and print dunning letters for sponsor research customers, follow the steps below.

Before generating dunning letters, you can check for blocked customers and other dunning errors using ZAS1 and for customers with open items and zero balance using ZAS2.

  1. Enter/maintain dunning run parameters
  2. Schedule dunning run
  3. Print sample letters
  4. Print dunning letters

Get Started

Step 1 - Enter/maintain dunning run parameters

  1. On Dunning screen, fill in Run on and Identification fields, as described below.

    Run on (Enter current date)
    Identification (Enter unique ID for this run, for example your initials)

  2. Enter Dunning Parameters:

    1. Click on the Parameter tab:

      Result: Fields for entering Dunning parameters display, as shown below.

    1. Fill in these fields:

      Dunning date (Date of issue of Dunning letters)

      Documents Posted up to (The last posting day subject to dunning)

      Company code (CUR)

      Customer (enter first range of customers to be dunned; see note below)

      Note: For sponsor billing, 4 ranges of customer numbers are entered. The first customer range is entered here (8600000000 to 9939999999, as shown above). See step 3 to enter additional customer number ranges.

    2. To enter 3 additional customer number ranges,
      1. Still on Parameters screen, click on the yellow arrow at end of Customer line (shown above).

        Result: The Multiple Selection for Customer window opens, as shown below.

      2. Click on the 1Range tab (shown above).

        The 1Range tab displays the first customer range entered, as shown below.

      3. Enter 3 additional customer ranges, as shown below.

        The additional ranges are: 8000000005 to 8000000006, 8000000031 to 8000000032, and 8000000035 to 8000000036.

        After you enter the 3 additional ranges, the tab title changes to 4Ranges.

      4. Click on Copy (button with clock at the bottom of the window) to save the additional customer ranges and close the window.

        Note: Clicking on green check will NOT save the additional customer ranges.

        Result: Back at the Parameters screen, a green bar displays under the yellow arrow.

  3. to SAVE on the Parameters screen.

    A message says that "Details have been saved for the run on MM/DD/YYYY ID ".

  4. Click on Status tab.

Result: The Status tab reports that Parameters were maintained, as shown below.

Step 2 - Schedule dunning run

  1. On Dunning screen, click on Schedule

    The Schedule Selection and Print window opens, shown below.

  2. Review/complete these fields,

    Start Date (change to current date, if needed)

    Start Immediately (click here to begin run now)

    Output Device (select printer SPNA)

  3. Click on Schedule button at bottom of window.

    Result: The Schedule Selection and Print window closes. The Status box says that dunning selection is scheduled, as shown below.

  4. Click on Status tab periodically to check progress of run and find out when it's complete.

    Note: To view status changes, you may need to click on another tab, and then return to Status tab.

    Notes: In case of problems, you may find the following options helpful.

Step 3 - Print Sample Letters

  1. On Dunning screen, click on Sample printout button

    The Schedule Sample Printout window opens, as shown below.

  2. Click on Start immediately, and change the Output Device to SPNA (the Start date defaults to current date). The default is to print out 10 sample letters.

  3. Click on Print button (shown above) to close window.

    Result: The Status tab shows that sample printout is scheduled, as shown below.

  4. Go to System -> Own spool requests to view your list of spool requests, as shown below.

    Note: The dunning run sample printout is identified by your dunning run ID and start date in the last column ("Title or name..."), for example "MLL030206" as shown below. The default number of pages is 20 (10 sample customers times 2 pages/customer).

  1. To print the sample documents, click in check box to left of Spool No., as shown above, and then click the Printer icon (second from left above).

    If the sample documents are satisfactory, you can continue with the next step.

Step 4 - Print dunning letters

  1. If sample printout looks good, click on Dunning printout

    The Schedule Print window opens, as shown below.

  2. Review/complete these fields,

    Start Date (defaults to today's date)

    Start Immediately (click here)

    OutputDevice (defaults to your recent selection; use SPNA)

  3. Click on
    Result: The window closes. The Status tab displays that "Dunning printout is scheduled".

  4. From menu bar, select System=> Own Spool Requests to view your list of spool requests, as shown below.

    Note: The dunning run spool request is identified by your dunning run ID and start date (YYMMDD) in the last column ("Title or name..."), for example "MLL030207" as shown below.

  5. Click on Refresh (leftmost butto on toolbar) until the number of pages stops increasing.

    The usual number of dunning letter pages is 400 - 500 (2 pages/customer or 200 - 250 customers).

  6. Before printing the letters, you should fill the SPNA printer with paper and ask others not to print while the dunning letters are printing (about 30 min).

  7. To print the dunning letters, click in check box to left of Spool No., and then click the Printer icon (second from left on tool bar).

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