August 3, 1989
Dr. Condoleezza Rice
Soviet Union
September 8–10, 1989
Prof. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Dr. Ed A. Hewett
Prof. Robert Legvold
Prof. Stephen Meyer
Dr. Vladmir Pechatnov
Dr. Aleksander Smolar
Western Europe 1992
October 2, 1989
Dr. Josef Joffe
Dr. Dominique Moise
Iran and Islam
November 6, 1989
Prof. Bernard Lewis
Dr. Gary Sick
December 4, 1989
Dr. Harry Harding
Prof. Lucian Pye
January 8, 1990
Prof. Richard Samuels
Amb. Koji Watanabe
South Africa
February 12, 1990
Michael Clough
Khehla Shubane
March 5, 1990
Prof. Bhabani Sen Gupta
Prof. Myron Weiner
Central America
April 2, 1990
Elliot Abrams
Prof. Terry Karl
Trade, Technology,
April 27–29, 1990
Prof. Jamos Kornai
Prof. Richard Lester
Robert McCormack
Yukio Okamoto
Clyde Prestowitz
Dr. Jacques Rupnik
Prof. Richard Samuels
Prof. Laura d’Andrea Tyson
Dr. Michiyuki Uenohara |
“The years 1989–1990 were one of those periods in history
when cataclysmic
geopolitical changes occurred. Seminar XXI brilliantly provided a
framework that
enabled us to understand what was occurring and to navigate those
chaotic times.”
Stu Starr
Former Director of Plans, MITRE Corp.; Sr Research Fellow, NDU
- Jerrold P. Allen
Stuart L. Alton
Keirn C. Brown, Jr.
Paula J. Causey
Michael L. Dodson
William R. Donnelly
Terrance M. Drabant
Calvin E. Freeland, Jr.
Michael T. Garten
Robert M. Hansen
Donald G. Hard
Michael V. Harper
Bruce A. Harris
R. Robinson Harris
- Richard C. Herrick
Henry L. Hinton, Jr.
Gary D. Holcomb
Patrick G. Howard
Roger D. Jackson
Walter Jajko
Owen B. Johnson
James J. Kessinger
Stanley Kwieciak, Jr.
Deborah L. Linde
Vicki T. Marsh
Alan R. McKee
James J. Montano
Michael D. O’Byrne
- David A. Pabst
Robert J. Pavelko
E. Jim Ritchie
Josue Robles, Jr.
Sten Schreiber
Graham E. Shirley
Daryl K. Solomonson
Stuart H. Starr
John C. Tait
Robert Taylor
Vigdor Teplitz
Edward H. Vazquez
Marvin J. Weniger
Joseph C. Wilson, Jr.