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Nonlinear Microscopy Imaging of Biological Tissue - CSB    
Professor Ng Wun Jern
Ms Jagdip Kaur

Singapore Co-ordinators
Ms Eleaner Loh Siew Ying
Ms Joann Poon Pui Lai
Mr David Lim Yew Ghee

MIT Co-ordinator
Ms Jocelyn S. Sales

Committee Members
Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical Systems (MEBCS) Programme
Assoc Prof Wang Chi-Hwa (Singapore)
Assoc Prof Bernhardt L. Trout (MIT)

Computer Science (CS) Programme
Assoc Prof Teo Yong Meng (Singapore)
Prof Tomas Lozano-Perez (MIT)

Advanced Materials for Micro- and Nano-Systems (AMM&NS) Programme
Assoc Prof Li Yi (Singapore)
Prof Dimitri A Antoniadis (MIT)

Computational Engineering (CE) Programme
Assoc Prof Liu Guirong (Singapore)
Prof Jaime Peraire (MIT)

Manufacturing Systems and Technology (MST) Programme
Assoc Prof Rohit Bhatnagar (Singapore)
Prof Kamal Youcef-Toumi (MIT)

Computation and Systems Biology (CSB) Programme
Ms Cynthia Lee Sook Chen (Singapore)
Prof Paul T. Matsudaira (MIT)

We would like to express our appreciation to the following organisations, institutions and individuals for their kind support:

• National University of Singapore
• Nanyang Technological University
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• SMA Alumni Club
• SMA Programme Co-Chairs, Fellows, Associates and    Research Fellows
• SMA students and alumni

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