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One’s association with SMA does not end at graduation. SMA hopes that students will continue to have life-long personal and professionalties with it and their peers after graduation. It is with this objective in mind that the SMA Alumni Club (SMAAC) was founded on 16 October 2000 to create an enduring and active network amongst the students and alumni. In 2005/2006, the club had a 75 strong membership; comprising 38 Associate members, 24 Ordinary members and 13 Life members.

SMAAC is run by a Management Committee elected from among the various SMA programmes. The office-bearers in the Management Committee volunteer their time to organise activities for the club members. In 2005/2006, this was in the hands of the 5th Management Committee.

The committee launched the year’s programme with a Networking Night. Members met up for a hearty reunion with their former classmates and heard from one of the members who shared his experiences as a start-up entrepreneur.

A series of activities followed thereafter. These included a Nature Walk to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, a movie night where the action thriller ‘King Kong’ was screened and a charity painting project co-organised with the Rotaract Club to spring clean and paint the homes of old folks.

SMAAC welcomes the new SMA-2 phase and will continue to support SMA by promoting interaction between students and alumni. SMAAC will do its best to foster a SMA community so that members can feel at home in SMA and Singapore.
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