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The second phase of SMA saw the successful launch of three dual degree programmes in AMM&NS, CE and MST programmes in July 2005. The new CPE programme is set to launch in July 2006. The dual degree programmes offer three degree tracks:

Dual Masters
The Dual Masters track is an intensive one-and-a-half-year programme conducted in both Boston and Singapore that engages students with a well-balanced synthesis of coursework and multi-disciplinary projects. These practice-based projects require collaboration between students and their project supervisors and in doing so, allow the industries to benefit from the students’ work and expertise. At the end of the programme, students will be conferred two Masters degrees: one from MIT and the other from either NUS or NTU depending upon the Singapore university hosting the programme.

The Master-Ph.D. track is a five-year programme whereby students
will be awarded an MIT Masters degree and an NUS or NTU Ph.D. degree, depending on the university the main Singapore Thesis Advisor is affiliated to. It has the same coursework component as the Dual Masters programme but with additional specialisation courses and a major research component.

The direct-Ph.D. track requires approximately four or more years to complete both the coursework and research components. The doctoral research projects are formulated through consultation with the MIT and Singapore faculty. They are undertaken for their relevance and potential benefit to the industry sector in Singapore and the region.

The dual degree programmes will lead to the conferment of one of the following degrees:
• An MIT Masters and an NUS Masters
• An MIT Masters and an NUS/NTU PhD
• An NUS/NTU Ph.D. degree with SMA




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