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Recruitment talks at NUS and NTU

Some 700 third- and final-year undergraduates from NUS and NTU attended the Singapore-MIT Alliance Graduate Fellowship Programme briefing on 13 and 20 August 2005 respectively. Faculty fellows from MIT, NTU and NUS introduced the five SMA-2 programmes to these prospective students from the Engineering and Science faculties.

A second series of recruitment talks were held on 14 and 21 January 2006 at NUS and NTU respectively. SMA Deputy Director, Professor Chua Soo Jin, gave the welcome address and an overview of SMA at these two talks.

Recruitment talks in the Asian region
Between September and October 2005, SMA conducted a series of recruitment talks in China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam to attract talented students from these countries to further their education at SMA. Professor Chua Soo Jin led the presentations at these talks. He introduced the various SMA programmes, degrees awarded and promoted the features of a world-class education at SMA. The recruitment talks had a significant attendance turnout.






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