Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance Alumni Club (SMAAC)

Membership Application/Renewal
You can download the application form in adobe acrobat format and mail the completed application form and the payment (cheque only) to:
SMA Alumni Club
E4-04-10, 4 Engineering Drive 3
Singapore 117576
All cheques should be crossed and made payable to "SMA Alumni Club".
Membership Types
- Associate - for current SMA students (S$15 annual subscription)
- Ordinary - for SMA graduates (S$20 annual subscription)
- Life - for SMA graduates (one time payment of S$100)
Membership Benefits
- Provide an avenue for constant contact with fellow graduates and faculty members
- Serves as a platform for current students, alumni and faculty members to interact professionally
- Strengthens friendships and networks through the various activities that are organised - a place for "Class Gathering"
- Recommendations for job openings/vacancies
- Free of charge or discounted price for SMAAC activities