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Symposium 2004

CS Proceedings

Computer Science

Charles E. LEISERSON and LEONG Tze Yun

Description of Research Programme:
The SMA Computer Science program enables its graduates to contribute to the research and practice of cutting-edge computer science. The program aims to produce technology leaders who have a solid grounding in fundamentals, as well as experience and appreciation for advanced research. Coursework includes artificial intelligence and machine learning, languages and compilers, algorithms, grid and parallel computing, graphics, database technology, computer systems engineering, pervasive computing, theory of parallel systems, and research methodology. The coursework is integrated through hands-on research and training projects.

Collaborative research in the SMA Computer Science Program centers on multiscale adaptive computing technologies, especially those that depend on streaming data, are geographically distributed, and can accommodate heterogeneous environments. The recent events of global impact--terrorism, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, and the rapid, sweeping changes in business and society--have painfully demonstrated that the vulnerability of computer systems when their environment changes unexpectedly. How can we design and build computer systems that respond intelligently to a changing world, operating under serious resource constraints when only limited and unreliable information is available? In addition to developing prototype computer systems to answer this question, the research program focuses on two application areas, distance health care and distance education, to ground the systems research. Students in the Computer Science program can alternatively pursue innovative research on other topics of economic and technological importance, from computer graphics to Internet technology.

Research Papers:
Research papers for 2004 in SMA's Computer Science Programme are available through MIT's DSpace archive. Dspace allows full text searching and browsing of all research papers by title, author, and date.
Go to the CS DSpace area >>

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