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Symposium 2004

MEBCS Proceedings

Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical Systems

Gregory N. STEPHANOPOULOS and Jim Yang LEE

Description of Research Programme:
The fourth SMA Programme on Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical Systems or MEBCS is a unique multidisciplinary programme, which offers cutting-edge research and advanced coursework that combine a fundamental understanding of biological and chemical sciences with the engineering and design of products and processes. The MEBCS Programme offers two graduate courses of study leading to the Professional Master's (S.M.) and the Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) degrees. It seeks to draw top-notch local and international students with background in chemical engineering, bioengineering, physical chemistry, biophysics, and/or materials engineering.

The innovative and rigorous curriculum consists of nine courses covering topics in the areas of biotechnology and bioprocess engineering, functional materials and nanotechnology, as well as advanced chemical engineering subjects. There are opportunities to study at MIT during the Immersion Programme, and to undertake research for one semester at MIT for the Ph.D. candidates. The S.M. students carry out Industrial Immersion projects at host companies to develop problem solving and communication skills, leadership and resource management. Six research thrusts are developed through multiple collaborations between SMA faculty fellows from NTU, NUS and MIT. These are in the areas of materials design and applications, structured fluid, surface/interface functionalization, biological functionality, biotechnology and biochemical processes.

The programme seeks to train high-level professionals and researchers for leadership positions in industries, research centres and academic institutions. With the unique molecular engineering background, MEBCS graduates will be particularly well poised to contribute towards the knowledge-driven fine chemicals and life sciences industries slated for global economic growth in the new millennium.

Research Papers:
Research papers for 2004 in SMA's Molecular Engineering of Biological and Chemical Systems Programme are available through MIT's DSpace archive. DSpace allows full text searching and browsing of all research papers by title, author, and date.
Go to the MEBCS DSpace area >>

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