StarBiogene is a set of visual and analytic software tools for the analysis of genomic gene expression data generated through microarray analysis. This software allows students to compare the expression of multiple genes across a range of biological samples (cell lines, tumors, etc). For example, students can use StarBiogene to compare different patient tumor samples and identify characteristics that are common to one set of tumors based on global patterns of gene expression.
StarBiogene is accessible via the web. Press the “START” button to get started.
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A sample Problem Set for StarBiogene can be found here.
StarBiogene consists of a web application coupled with several software tools for visualizing/analyzing microarray data. Each tool can be launched directly from a web browser. A sample screenshot is shown below:
Extra datasets for use in StarBiogene's data processing pipelines can be found at the Broad here (external link).