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This is a repository for data files made available by the study team for download. For any questions about the use of this data, please contact Joakim Karlsson.

Summary Results


Description: Quarterly and yearly summaries of base fare, ticket taxes and fees, total fare, and effective tax rate for domestic air travel in the continental U.S. Results are presented in both current and real (i.e., inflation-adjusted) dollars.

History of Tax Rates and Fee Levels


Description: A history of the rates and levels for the federal ticket tax, federal segment tax, and federal security service fee for 1992Q2 through 2011Q4. Note that the federal ticket tax is pro-rated by the number of days and the security fee is pro-rated by the number of months when variations occur within a quarter. A chronology of the rates and levels of U.S. ticket taxes and fees is made available periodically by Airlines for America.


Description: A history of passenger facility charges (PFC) for 1992Q2 through 2011Q4. Note that the PFC for an airport is pro-rated by the number of months when variations occur within a quarter. A chronology of the collection of PFCs is made available monthly by the Federal Aviation Administration.


Base fare


Air fare without any taxes applied

Federal ticket tax


U.S. value added tax (currently 7.5% of base fare), used to fund FAA operations and the Airport Improvement Program

Federal segment tax


U.S. tax applied per segment (currently $3.80), used to fund FAA operations and the Airport Improvement Program

Passenger facility charge


U.S. "head tax" collected and used by specific airports (currently capped at a maximum of $4.50), used for airport improvement projects

Federal security service fee


U.S. security tax (currently $2.50), used for passenger and baggage screening

Total taxes and fees


U.S.: The sum of FTT, FST, PFC, and FSSF

EU: The sum of all applicable national ticket taxes

Total fare


The sum of the base fare and the total taxes and fees; this is what the passenger actually pays, less any applicable travel agent service fee

Effective tax rate


Total taxes and fees expressed as a percentage of base fare (= TTF / BF x 100%)


  • Rates effective January 1, 2012

  • For domestic travel only: different taxes apply for travel outside the U.S.

  • Special tax rules exist for Alaska, Hawaii, and rural airports in the U.S.

  • The passenger facility charge and security fee are collected each time a passenger boards an airplane, except that no more than two collections are made for each direction of travel. There is no such limit on the collection of the segment tax, which is collected for each segment in an itinerary.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Global Airline Industry Program

Last updated: 06/02/2012