
ARTICLE I (Name of Organization)

This organization shall be called Association of Indonesian Students at MIT (AIS-MIT). The AIS-MIT shall be affiliated to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

ARTICLE II (Mission)

The AIS-MIT shall serve as a focus at MIT for all students, as well as other members of the MIT community, interested in Indonesia culture and affairs. The AIS-MIT shall also be active in organizing activities aimed at fostering interaction among the Indonesian community and introducing Indonesia and its culture to the rest of MIT community as well as those outside MIT.

ARTICLE III (Membership)

Section 1:
Any student (regular or special) and alumni of MIT may become a member of the AIS-MIT. The admission will not be based on race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference, ancestry, national origin, handicap, religion or other discriminatory criteria. Members of AIS-MIT shall consist of at least five members and 50 percent of the members are MIT students.

Section 2:
All members will constitute a general body. General body shall be broken down into two classes: voting and non voting representative.

Section 3:
Any full time and willing MIT student may become an Executive Officer if properly chosen by election or appointment, but that person shall have been a member of the organization for at least one month.

ARTICLE IV (Executive Board)

Section 1:
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary.

Section 2:
(A) President
  • must be a registered MIT student
  • call and conduct meetings
  • be a liaison between the member and the university
  • monitor the functioning of the organization
  • effectively delegate duties and responsibilities
  • visibly support the programs of the organization
  • perform all duties as assigned by the organization

(B) Vice President
  • coordinate and assist the programming efforts of the organization
  • assume duties of President as called upon
  • keep updates program file
  • develop programming resources
  • chair the programming and activities committee
  • perform all duties as called upon by the organization

(C) Treasurer
  • must be a registered MIT student
  • maintain financial reports of the organization
  • keep an accurate ledger
  • create and monitor the budget
  • chair the finance committee
  • submit monthly financial report to the President and the organization
  • perform all duties as called upon by the organization

(D) Secretary
  • distribute agenda at the start of every meeting
  • keep minutes of all meetings
  • notify day, time, and location of meeting to members
  • maintain membership list/directory
  • perform public relations functions
  • chair the public relations committee
  • perform all duties as called upon by the organization
Section 3:
The President and the Treasurer must be distinct current MIT students.

ARTICLE V (Voting/Non Voting Representatives)

Section 1:
Voting members shall consist of all student members enrolled at MIT. Non voting representatives shall consist of a member's spouse, dependents, and non MIT students.

Section 2:
Voting members shall
  • show a commitment by attending general meetings of the organization
  • serve on committees as needed
  • perform all duties as called upon by the organization

ARTICLE VI (Qualifications for Upholding a Voting Position)

Section 1:
The voting member should not be on disciplinary probation at any time.

Section 2:
No member of the organization may solicit money or any other favors from anyone without the prior approval of the general body. The member shall then report his/her progress to the general body.

Section 3:
If any member violates any of the attendance or the participation laws within this document, their voting privilege will be temporarily removed and their position will be re-evaluated by the general body.

ARTICLE VII (General Voting Rules)

Section 1:
Votes shall by cast by all voting members. In the event of a tie, the President shall make the decision.

Section 2:
More than fifty percent of eligible voting members of the organization must be present at a regularly called meeting for a quorum and therefore conduct legal business of the organization. All business before the organization requiring a vote shall require the approval of a simple majority (more than fifty percent) of the quorum for passage.

Section 3:
Election shall be held by secret ballot. All other votes shall be done by roll call. Each member shall only have one vote.

ARTICLE VIII (Committees)

Section 1:
The organization will have the following standing committees.

A) Programs and Activities: Chaired by the Vice-President.
This committee will be responsible for planning programs and activities which will benefit the members of the organization. These programs can cover such areas as social, cultural, recreational etc.. These may include cookouts, parties, picnics, religious, and national celebrations etc.

B) Finance: Chaired by the Treasurer.
This committee will be responsible for fund raising activities. These activities must provide a service and benefit to the MIT students.

C) Public Relation: Chaired by the Secretary.
This committee will be responsible for coordinating all advertising of upcoming events, will serve as a liaison with The Tech and other university publications and work with other university organization as appropriate to recognize organizational activities.

Section 2:
The chair of each committee will report progress at the beginning of each general meeting.

Section 3:
Special project committees may be formed as the need arises. They will be dissolved when that need is fulfilled. These committee chairs shall be appointed by the President.

ARTICLE IX (Meetings)

Section 1:
General meetings shall be held once a month. The day, time, and location will be notified to the respective members one week in advance.

Section 2:
If needed, special additional general meetings may be called at the discretion of the President.

Section 3:
Chairs of the committees shall establish a regular meeting time and location for their purposes.

Section 4:
Both executives and the voting members must attend 75% of all meetings and activities. Absences will only be accepted if they are brought before the President prior to the meeting or activity with exception in the case of emergencies. The excuse must be reasonable.

Section 5:
The President may not miss any meetings unless there is a very good excuse and the Executive Board approves the excuse prior to the meeting or event. In the case of approval, the vice-president would run the meeting.

ARTICLE X (Election of Officers)

Section 1:
Election of the Executive Board for the following school year shall take place in the sixth week of the fall semester.

Section 2:
Nomination for these positions should be made at least one week in advance. The voting representatives shall elect the Executive Board.

Section 3:
All positions require service from the first week of the spring semester until the first week of the spring semester of the following year.

Section 4:
A President cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms. Either President or Vice-President has to enroll school for the entire term of his/her appointment.

Section 5:
The new executive board must present a tentative plan of the goals and activities that they hope to accomplish, for the year they have been elected. This tentative plan should be presented in writing to the members, before the new Executive Board takes office.

ARTICLE XI (Vacancies in Executive Office)

Section 1:
An Executive Officer may resign by submitting a written letter to the President at least two weeks prior to the day it is to take effect. If the President wishes to resign, the resignation will be presented to the Vice-President. The resignation will be announced at the next meeting, after the Executive Board has been notified.

Section 2:
If there is a vacancy in any of the executive positions during the course of the year, the President shall appoint a new person pending the approval of the voting members.

Section 3:
If the President's position should be vacated, the Vice-President shall assume the position of President for the rest of the term and appoint a new Vice-President, pending the approval of the voting members.

ARTICLE XII (Impeachment of Executive Officers)

Section 1:
Executive Officers may be impeached. The President has the right to remove any voting member pending approval of all other voting members.

Section 2:
Any representative or officer may bring up charges of impeachment. The charges will then be discussed at a regularly called general meeting.

Section 3:
A quorum is required for a vote on impeachment. A three quarters majority of the quorum is required for impeachment to pass. Every voting member votes on the impeachment, by secret ballot.

Section 4:
Grounds for impeachment include the following:
Serious misuse of their position, failure to fulfill duties of office, gross misrepresentation of the organization and lack of participation or attendance.


Section 1:
The Treasurer will keep an accurate and up-to-date ledger and record of all transactions and receipts.

Section 2:
The budget shall be submitted by the Treasurer at a general meeting at the beginning of each quarter. Voting members and executives will have two weeks to review the budget before voting on it.

Section 3:
To be reimbursed for purchases made for the organization, the person making the purchase must present the receipt to the Treasurer, The Treasurer will then withdraw the needed cash and present the person with it, while retaining the receipt.

Section 4:
Any voting member has the right to inspect the accounts at any general meeting.

ARTICLE XIV (Constitutional Amendments and By-laws)

Section 1:
Amendments to this constitution and/or by-laws of the organization may be proposed and discussed by any voting member of the organization.

Section 2:
A quorum is required for proposed amendments/revisions of the constitution. Proposed revisions to this constitution and/or by-laws must be approved by 75% of the quorum present at a general meeting.

ARTICLE XV (Establishment of Constitution)

This document shall now be the constitution of the AIS-MIT. A copy of this document may be found at the Office of the Student Activities. Any document written before this constitution shall be invalid.


The AIS-MIT agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, and its executive committee. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA Executive Committee to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.

ARTICLE XVII (Official Non-discrimination Policy)

The AIS-MIT shall not discriminate based on any characteristic listed in the MIT Nondiscrimination Statement for membership, officer position, or in any other aspect.