Please send two team members. We will be teaming up with Boston’s Science Club for Girls on a science project.
In a cross between a “regular” event and a community service project, each team (joined by members of Boston’s Science Club for Girls) built a Foldscope kit.
Foldscopes are sturdy paper microscopes designed to be extremely portable, durable, and to give optical quality similar to that of conventional research microscopes with magnification of 140× and 2 micron resolution.
After the teams constructed the Foldscopes, they tested them out with pre-made slides and materials (e.g. hair, peacock feathers, specialty papers). They then used the microscopes to focus on a special microfilm slide that revealed the event’s answer.
To help Science Club for Girls teach microscopy to its members, the assembled Foldscopes were donated to the participating girls, along with additional kits and LED magnifiers for those SCFG members who could not attend the event.
Once teams revealed the answer and confirmed with Game Control, they received a physical object to take back to their HQ. Teams were also awarded 20 drops of solvent for completing the event.
Photos from the event (photo credits: Tom Buehler, Bonnie Bertolaet):