In Talk Like a Pirate Day Town, the mateys sing chanteys while they thieve and maraud.

Yar, be sendin’ two crewmates with a love fer songs . . . and piracy!

Teams were paired to form a pirate crew of four. The crews were given twenty minutes to choose a popular song and write a “pirated” version that fit one of three provided chanteys: “Blow the Man Down,” “Dead Man’s Chest,” or “A Pirate’s Life for Me.” (blank handouts from the event)

After the song-writing period had ended, one member of each crew performed their song to the other crews in the room, with the whole room joining in for the chantey refrain. The other crews then guessed the identity of the songs being performed.

When the guesses were tallied, crews earned a “piece o’ eight” for a correct guess, and a bonus piece for each crew that guessed their song correctly. However, if more than two-thirds of the crews correctly guessed any one song, that song’s creators lost pieces for each additional correct guess.

Teams were given one last song to solve back at their headquarters which contained the event solution and this song is included below.

Once crews finished singing and guessing songs, they received a physical object to take back to their HQ. Teams were also awarded 20 drops of solvent for completing the event. Teams earning the most “pieces o’ eight” received extra solvent.

Below are the seven top-rated chanteys from the event. Song identities are included in the solution page.

1. By Molasses Slalom + Providence Transplantations
Oh! Sullen youth, I’m here to say
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
You needn’t be so glum today
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!
For there’s a locale aways just a stroll
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
Where you can swim, relax, and get swole
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!

2. By Super Team Awesome + ✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈
I’m a pirate lass of plastic
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
A life of plund’ring gold’s fantastic!
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
I sail around and brush my hair
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
And throw my clothes off everywhere
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!

3. By Test Solution Bees Ignore + Exit Rage Left (Pursued by a Bear)
Strummin’ yer lute on the tavern marquee
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
Booty for naught and yer wenches for free
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!
We’ve got to install great big vittlin’ fires
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
And also iceboxes - we ain’t yet got wires
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!

4. By Up Late + ManateeM
I be blown down, but I get up again!
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
Ye never be keepin’ me blowin’ down
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!
He drinks a grog drink, he drinks a grog drink
   -- Wey, hey, blow the man down!
He sings the shanties that remind him of times
   -- Give me some time to blow the man down!

5. By Hunches in Bunches + Resistance to Nail Polish
   -- Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!
If ya wish to align our fates
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
Ya gotta sail with my mates
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
   -- Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!
Me wants to part with you - NEVER!
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
But mateys are forever
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
   -- Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!

6. By Duck Soup + Occam’s Depilatory Gel
I met a good wench at ye olde salty dog
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
Where the rum is as fine as G-R-O-G grog
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
I shook a peg leg with this finest of lasses
   -- Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!
With the strongest of arms and a voice like molasses!
   --Yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum!

7. By Puzzkill + emoji
   -- Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!
Me crew says I stay out late enough
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
They say me head is full of fluff
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
   --Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!
Matey my boat will sail, sail, sail
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
So I’m gonna drink this ale, ale, ale
   -- Drink up, me ‘earties, yo ho!
   --Yo, ho, yo, ho, a pirate’s life for me!