Welcome to the MITVSA Scrapbook. Within these pages lies the history of MITVSA. So, kick off your shoes, sit back, and enjoy some fine pictures of our current and past activities. Upset that you weren't in any of the pictures? We can change all that. Just check out our Calendar section and come to one of our numerous activities during the year. Become a member and be active, and we'll imortalize you within the halls of this gallery.

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Most recent album...

Compendium of VSA activities: Monthly Dinner, Tet Potluck, IAP Cooking Class, Tet Fair, Senior Dinner, International Fair, Ve^` Nguo^`n Vietnamese class, Canoe Rrip, Summer BBQ, Foliage trip...

Pre-1995 photos...

International Fair, Thanksgiving Dinner, Senior Dinner, etc.

Evolution of MITVSA

Within this page lies the history of the MITVSA...

A Virtual Journey Through Fall

Come and see some of our members on our annual Fall foliage trip.

Talbot House Retreat

It was a serene weekend before the blizzard of the decade hit New England...