Adrian Vasile Dalca

CV | scholar | linkedin | twitter | github

Assistant Professor, A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Research Scientist, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
EECS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

32 Vassar St, 32-G904, Cambridge, MA, 02139 
adalca at mit dot edu


I'm interested in experimenting new techniques with photography and videography, both from an artistic as well as computational/research point of view. I'm currently designing a more complete page for my photography, video (timescape) and related research work, please stay tuned :). In the meanwhile, I'm listing snapshots of my photo-related projects.

Boston Timescape Project

Since 2010, I've taken pictures of the Boston Skyline from a high vantage point. The more than 400,000 images have been captured with different high resolution cameras (SLRs, GoPros, P&S, cell phone cameras). Some pictures are singletons (just one picture was taken for, say, that week or that day) whereas others are part of series or timelapses (and vary from 1/second to 1/minute, etc). I'm happy to share this data and am currently setting up a repository for it. There are several cool projects that could be done. Go to the project homepage to explore samples from the data with tipiX, and get more information!

tipiX - Rapid Visualization of Large Image Collections

tipiX is a new approach for fast and effective visualization of large image collections. This applies to both natural images as well as medical volumes in population studies. The key insight is to collapse inherently high-dimensional imaging data onto an interactive two-dimensional canvas native to a computer screen in a way that enables intuitive browsing of the image data. Several examples will get you started in various domains. The code is available on github.

Space Cam

Together with Michael Rubinstein we launched a DYI balloon up to the lower atmosphere and retreived video from two GoPro hero 2, accelerometer and and GPS data.

Boston Ballet Timescape

A video project with David Gifford and Boston Ballet. We want to capture the movement of the ballet at various time and personal scales, and here present a timelapse with various speeds and angles at practice in A Day of Grace with Boston Ballet.

Photovisuals Portfolio

Currently in development :)
in the meanwhile, visit my flickr photostream (with rather older photos)


Webdesign: Adrian Dalca. Based on: MiniFolio