MIT Reports to the President 1998-99
The office of the executive vice president is new to MIT and comprises operational and other departments that formerly reported to William R. Dickson as well as financial areas that formerly reported to Glenn P. Strehle before each of them retired in 1998.
The 1998—99 year has been one of familiarizing myself with the people and the functions of the various departments that report to me, in addition to learning about the many areas with which we interact. I also have reviewed the process changes made during the reengineering effort and their results.
MIT has made good progress in the last few years in streamlining its administrative operations, but there is still much more to be done. The installation of SAP is a major accomplishment that was critical to the goal of improving administrative procedures and better managing costs. In the immediate future, we need to move toward more seamless business processes and common tools to realize the full benefits and economies of scale that SAP and the attendant Data Warehouse enable and to ensure continuous improvements in our financial services and systems delivery.
An important step in this effort was the formation this year of a new organization called Financial Systems Services (FSS). It was created to coordinate the development, delivery, and maintenance of effective financial systems for the Institute. Throughout its work, FSS also will seek ways to streamline and integrate existing business processes. Community support will remain strong through the continuing role of the school and area coordinators as well as the documentation and training staff in FSS. Personnel for FSS were drawn from the Management Reporting Project, Information Systems, the Controller's Accounting Office, and Procurement. Charles A. Shaw, formerly the Institute auditor, is the director of FSS.
A related development was the creation of the Administrative Systems and Policies Coordinating Council (ASPCC). A major function of this new group is to work to ensure that administrative initiatives are paced appropriately so that staff in the departments, laboratories, and centers are not overwhelmed by procedural changes or training requirements for new processes. Some administrative changes will essentially be refinements of existing procedures and will not represent a different way of doing business. However, other initiatives may have a more significant impact on the community, and ASPCC will discuss and prioritize such projects. Many community members had expressed the need for such a coordinating body, and the formation of ASPCC was, in part, a response to those suggestions.
A particularly exciting aspect of the year has been the planning and preparation for what will be the most extraordinary building boom that MIT has seen since the postwar era. Some of the upcoming projects include the Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences; the Okawa Center for Future Children; the new undergraduate residence; and the new central athletic facility. The magnitude and geographical distribution of such significant new buildings also prompted our engaging in a comprehensive campus planning effort to assure that issues of campus community, neighborhood relations, disciplinary affinities, pedestrian ways, landscaping, parking and traffic flows are thought through as a whole. These projects, as well as several to follow, will greatly improve our campus environment in the years and decades to come.
The permitting, city relations, and environmental issues accompanying this level of capital construction also prompted my establishing a Town and Gown team (TAG). The purpose of the TAG team is to ensure that the many MIT players involved develop a common understanding of the external implications of our initiatives and balanced positions to carry forward on the Institute's behalf.
In the very near future, I believe that risk management will emerge as a critical function of effective stewardship, especially for research universities. In addition, MIT needs to develop a more coordinated approach to environmental issues, including comprehensive programs for compliance, standards for "green" buildings, and increased recycling on campus. Therefore, I have proposed the creation of a new, high-level position to oversee our efforts in these areas, and President Vest has agreed. The new position will be titled managing director for environmental programs and risk management and will be filled by Jamie Lewis Keith as of July 1, 1999. Ms. Keith also will serve as senior counsel.
In my office, we have consolidated all of the business-like activities under the direction of Stephen D. Immerman, who is the director of project development. In addition to his staff role, Mr. Immerman is responsible for the management of the Audio-Visual Services, Copy Technology Centers, Endicott House, and the Parking and Transportation Office. Mr. Immerman also oversees the Campus Police department.
In the spring, I hired Patricia A. Brady as senior project director. She was formerly head of the Human Resource Practices Development Project, which she led for the last three years. Ms. Brady will be my key administrative liaison. One of her first tasks in this new role is to serve as the staff to the search committee for the vice president for Human Resources.
Also joining my staff this year is Janet Snover, who was appointed as special assistant to the executive vice president. Ms. Snover has held several communications positions at the Institute, and she is working on a variety of communications and other staff assignments.
Susan Crowley, administrative assistant to Bill Dickson for 17 years, is continuing in this role as my assistant. Ms. Crowley's knowledge of the Institute and how it operates has been extremely helpful in my first year at MIT.
Following are the individual department reports.
John R. Curry
The Audit Division continues to adapt and respond to the continuous change and process improvements being experienced throughout the Institute. Observing the many self-initiated efforts within operational areas to evaluate current practices in relation to new models has been particularly encouraging this past year.
Internal auditing is an integral part of MIT's internal control structure. Across the campus and at Lincoln Laboratory, our auditors provide perspective as to effective internal controls, operational efficiency, compliance with Institute policies, and ethical business conduct. We maintain the flexibility to respond to the needs of management while addressing audit areas identified by management, audit staff, and through assessment of risk. We continue to serve the Institute in accordance with the stated mission of providing reasonable assurance to management that policies are being adhered to as intended, adequate internal controls are being maintained, and assets are properly safeguarded. Our audit and advisory service engagements encompass the diverse aspects of the Institute's operations, both on campus and at Lincoln Laboratory.
Our audit coverage is coordinated with Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, the Institute's Certified Public Accounting firm, and the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), MIT's cognizant federal audit agency. Internal audits are conducted consistent with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, as promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors, which guide us in the discharge of our duties to ensure proper objectivity, independence, and audit quality control.
Earning professional certification as a CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), a CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), or a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) continues to be a clear expectation for all audit staff. Currently, the Audit Division has collectively attained four CIA, three CISA, and two CPA designations.
All audit staff are offered professional development opportunities to increase proficiency and keep current in the areas of auditing, accounting and information technology. The gain in general and specific knowledge has been, and continues to be, demonstrated in the work undertaken by the staff. Many of the training opportunities have been offered within MIT, focusing on SAP, personal development, and MIT operations.
Our audits are performed within the general parameters of four engagement types:
Compliance Assessments: Compliance with Institute policies and procedures, federal regulations, and sponsor requirements continues to draw significant Audit Division attention. Much of our work that is categorized as ‘Compliance' incorporates evaluation of the effectiveness of existing controls over financial, operational, and information system processes.
Financial Integrity Assessments: Audit involvement focusing on financial controls and data integrity continues to be an important segment of our work. This past year, significant attention was paid to the payroll function, banking relations, as well as construction projects.
Information Technology: Unquestionably, the Year 2000 (Y2K) issue is one of great interest and concern. The Audit Division is committed to supporting MIT's Y2K preparedness efforts and conducting formal audits of critical functions. Last year we reviewed both the Payroll Office and the Lincoln Fiscal Office, where remediation and testing efforts had been well underway to minimize Y2K risk.
Operational Evaluations: Operational assessments analyze processes within particular administrative functions, with an eye to strong internal controls, effectiveness, and efficiency. Operational assessments are evaluations of the Institute's business practices and combine elements of compliance, financial, and informational technology within a single engagement.
Potential exposure to the Institute remains within all four of these areas: compliance, with the continuous reliance on federal dollars; information technology, with the Year 2000 approaching; financial, with our increased construction activity; and operational, as the Institute focuses on continuous change to existing business practices. We continue to be actively involved in each of these efforts to offer our perspective and opinion on the Institute's internal controls.
Michael C. Bowers
The Financial Systems Services department (FSS) was created in March 1999 to coordinate the development, delivery, and maintenance of effective financial systems for the Institute. Our mission is to support the ongoing implementation of SAP; ensure that the software increasingly meets the needs of departments, laboratories, and centers (DLCs); keep MIT current in terms of installing the appropriate new versions of SAP and other related software; and work to integrate MIT's business processes.
Charles A. Shaw, the Institute Auditor since 1988, was selected to lead this new department. Staff members in FSS were drawn from the Management Reporting Project (including the school and area coordinators), Information Systems, the Controller's Accounting Office, and Procurement. The new organization reports to Executive Vice President John R. Curry.
During the fall of 1998, the Management Reporting Project completed the rollout of SAP procurement functions to the DLCs and central administrative offices. The MIT-designed SAPweb requisitioning entry and invoice display capabilities found particular favor with the MIT community, as did several new or redesigned reports. A total of 1,764 staff members were trained during the rollout, and an additional 903 participated in ongoing SAP training. Project training staff gave demonstration-style classes in large lecture halls around campus and hands-on sessions at the Professional Learning Center (Building W89).
Throughout the last year, the objectives of the school coordinators (who report jointly to the Assistant Provost and to FSS) and the area coordinator were to maximize MIT's use of central databases and tools and to help the DLCs prepare for the shutdown of the classic accounting system in June 1999. The coordinators played a major part in the success of the procurement rollout. They continued to provide personalized service to assigned DLCs by facilitating ongoing training and fine-tuning financial architectures in SAP following the rollout. The school and area coordinators also provided central offices with comments from the MIT community on how to improve central financial systems.
In order to assure that MIT's SAP system was "year 2000 compatible," members of the FSS development team reviewed all MIT-written SAP code and modified it as needed. In addition, they examined all modifications written for MIT by SAP AG. The biggest effort for the development team is preparation for the upgrade of the SAP software to version 4.5b. By May 1999, the development team was devoting much of its time to understanding the features of the new software and planning the upgrade process.
MIT systems that interact with SAP and departmental systems that receive information from SAP or the Data Warehouse were upgraded to the new SAP financial architecture of seven-digit cost objects and six-digit general ledger accounts. A major effort in this respect was the conversion of the Payroll systems.
The SAP user group continued to be a valuable forum for informing users about new capabilities and getting their comments on anticipated changes. In addition, FSS periodically posted an "SAP@MIT" newsletter on the Web with tips for users. Messages of immediate importance were sent to an email list of all SAP users at MIT.
Charles A. Shaw
The mission of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning (OBFP) is to support MIT's goal of continued excellence in education and research by providing senior management with accurate and timely financial information, projections, and recommendations. The Office is responsible for monitoring the Institute's financial position and the likely impact of anticipated internal and external changes; developing the Institute's strategic financial planning policies and recommendations under the leadership of senior management; and managing MIT's financial information asset through the development of innovative modeling tools. Continuing goals of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning in carrying out this mission are to revise the budget process to make it more efficient and effective, and to enhance responsiveness to the evolving needs of the Institute community.
During fiscal year 1999, the Office of Budget and Financial Planning continued its substantial role in supporting long-range planning and the definition of strategic goals at the Institute level. The 10-year planning model, which was introduced in 1997 to project revenues and expenses over a 10-year period, has evolved into a comprehensive financial planning tool. Operating, financial, and construction planning activities have been integrated, and projections of net assets, endowment spending, debt capacity, and other key parameters continue to support strategic deliberations of the Provost, Executive Vice President, and MIT Corporate bodies. In addition, the OBFP continues to develop and refine its comprehensive, multi-year capital plan. The plan is used internally to manage and analyze funding options for capital needs, such as new construction, space reconfiguration, deferred maintenance, and borrowing capacity. The plan is used externally to support requirements of credit agencies.
In April the Office of Budget and Financial Planning published the Budget Book for Fiscal Year 2000. The Budget Book, published yearly since fiscal year 1998, presents the annual operating budget to MIT executive and corporate management. The definitive statement of the operating budget, the Budget Book also focuses on major areas and activities that affect operations results and the Institute's financial position.
In fiscal year 1999, OBFP initiated the design and implementation of an innovative new budget system, NIMBUS, to replace its legacy system BEERS, which was not Year-2000 compliant and was inconsistent with the new SAP financial architecture. The NIMBUS budget submission module was successfully launched in February 1999 and was in place to support the Institute's fiscal year 2000 budget development process. The transaction module will soon be available to support fiscal year 2000 operational requirements.
Significant future plans of OBFB for fiscal year 2000 include completing the development of the NIMBUS budget and database management system and accomplishing final integration with other Institute financial tools, such as COEUS and the Data Warehouse. Goals also include continuing support of evolving new budget processes and paradigms and ongoing enhancement of the financial and capital planning and management tools.
In addition, the Budget Office is currently developing a web site, which will include the NIMBUS budget submission module (already in place), other NIMBUS tools, general information about the department, and selected information and analyses it generates.
The Office of Budget and Financial Planning has a full complement of budget officer staff for the first time in several years. New staff members are Claude Bellot and Angela Mickunas, both from the School of Engineering, and John Donnelly, who joined us from Tufts University. In addition, Lody Petriv, senior process improvement officer, joined OBFP from Harvard University in October 1998. This new team is ideally constituted to meet current requirements of the Office of Budget and Financial Planning.
Stefano Falconi
Fiscal year 1999 continued to be a year of change for the Controller's Accounting Office, as all financial systems that interact with SAP were converted to MIT's new financial architecture. Modifications to the Payroll system to accommodate the SAP account number and expense classification codes were completed. As of July 1, 1999, all MIT departments were operationally converted to the new architecture and to the use of the Roles Database for verification of authorizations and approvals.
In addition, work continued to ensure the Year-2000 readiness of MIT's accounting systems. The payroll Year 2000 compliance project was completed and tested, and a Year 2000 compliance plan was developed for desktop computers in the Controller's Office. Payroll also played a significant role in outsourcing the MIT 401(k) program. This was a major task that involved working with the Benefits Office and Retirement Plans Accounting.
The fiscal year 1998 closing was successfully completed by July 31, 1998, the earliest this has ever been accomplished. Furthermore, the Pricewaterhouse Coopers audit was completed earlier than before.
A convenient spreadsheet upload option for journal vouchers was introduced for MIT Internal Service Provider billing and for departments that process a high volume of journal voucher transactions. SAP electronic journal vouchers and the new upload option have been widely accepted by the MIT community.
Substantial progress was made in the area of departmental and Institute-wide reporting this year.
A new Institute and Enterprise Reporting group was created in the Controller's Office to focus on SAP and Data Warehouse financial reports. This group worked collaboratively with departmental staff and developers to define reporting requirements, test reports, solicit user feedback, identify problems, and train the community in the new financial reports. Extensive collaboration with the Data Warehouse group resulted in defining useful financial structures for reporting and standard financial queries for departmental users. A major milestone in the transition from legacy systems to SAP was the introduction of SAP monthly financial statements, which were mailed to departments along with legacy system statements for a period of months. As of June 1999, legacy system statements were no longer generated, and from then on, only SAP statements will be distributed.
In a step to streamline acquisitions at MIT, the Procurement Department was organizationally moved to the Controller's Office. This will allow Accounts Payable, Travel, and Procurement to be one organizational unit in the future, providing more leverage to increase productivity.
In Travel, MIT signed a contract in fiscal year 1999 with the Club Quarters hotel chain, which allows MIT travelers to stay in Washington, D.C. and other major cities at significantly reduced rates compared to other hotels. The MASCO (Medical Academic Scientific Community Organization) discounted airfare contract negotiated in fiscal year 1998 provided over $600,000 in savings on airline travel during fiscal year 1999. In November 1998, the Travel Department hosted the first annual travel vendor fair, which was well received by both the MIT community and MIT's travel partners.
A more favorable Merchant Services contract with a new bank and better rates was negotiated through the Boston Consortium, an association of local colleges and universities. The Merchant Services program permits MIT organizations to take payments by credit card, providing an efficient means of processing low dollar/high volume transactions.
Retirement Plans Accounting (RPA) is responsible for the accounting and reporting for the MIT Basic Retirement Plan and the MIT Supplemental 401(K) Plan. RPA maintains records for more than 19,000 members (active, terminated with vested rights, retired, and disabled) and disburses retirement benefits. RPA also acts as a liaison with service providers, such as actuaries, the trustee of 401(k) Plan, the Trust custodian of the Basic Plan, and auditors.
During fiscal year 1999, significant workflow and system changes were undertaken to meet required changes to the Basic Plan, to convert records of the 401(k) Plan to a service provider, and to ensure system compliance for the year 2000. The Pension Accounting System and a new benefit calculation system will be operational for fiscal year 2000. Importantly, the 401(k) Plan was audited by the US Department of Labor, with no exceptions.
The Property Office is responsible for the accounting and asset management of more than 100,000 items of equipment that are both MIT-owned as well as sponsor-owned. During the year, 11,400 newly acquired items of moveable equipment were identified and tagged. Over 19,000 financial transactions regarding invoices, purchase orders, requisitions, journal vouchers, and cash vouchers were reviewed resulting in 4,100 corrections, thereby ensuring the integrity of the Property Data Base. The reconciliation of the biennial equipment physical inventory was completed and a new inventory cycle was begun. Here are some other relevant statistics for the year: a total of 273 final inventories were submitted as part of closing out contracts, grants, and agreements; 521 financial reports were prepared and submitted to various government agencies; 618 items of equipment with an acquisition value of $463,500 were transferred between MIT departments as part of a reutilization program. Equipment unneeded or unusable by the MIT community was sold for $153,363, providing funds for replacement equipment. A total of 522 items of equipment with an acquisition value of $1,267,607 were donated to other nonprofit organizations.
The annual indirect cost study for the equipment and building pools was conducted in conjunction with the Office of Cost Analysis, which resulted in a recovery of $21.5 million.
Fifty-four capital projects were begun during the year. The costs of capital space changes, major renovations, and new building construction continue to be tracked. The Property Inventory and Accounting System (SumPROP) was converted to the Institute's new financial architecture. Throughout the year, the Property Office provided many reports to assist the TAVA Y2K project.
The Lincoln Fiscal Office (LFO) provides accounting, payroll, cashier, cash management, and property control services to MIT's Lincoln Laboratory.
System changes to support Laboratory operations continued in 1999. The Year 2000 compliance project, which had an impact on the General Ledger and all systems that feed the General Ledger, and version 3.1.01b04 of the Lincoln Executive Information System (LINEIS), which was done in partnership with Group 68 (Computer and Telecommunication Systems), were completed in 1999. Also completed were a new billing application that interfaces with the new accounting structure and enhancements to the Accounts Payable, General Ledger, FRAP (Flexible Spending Account), Property, Travel, and Purchasing systems. Working with BankBoston, we completed the MicroLink system for Year-2000 compliance, which also includes on-line stop payments, wire transfers, and improved account management procedures.
The Property Office of the fiscal office made continued progress on the reconciliation of the Property Control System, which has required effort from all units of the Laboratory as well as from the campus Property Office. With help from the campus Property Office, the "DD 1662 Report of DOD Property in the Custody of Contractors" was reconciled for accuracy. A Laboratory-wide inventory required by the government was completed in December 1998 and the inventory reconciliation will be completed by September 30, 1999. The government is expected to continue requesting a three-year inventory cycle. We continue our efforts to fully comply with the inventory requirements of our contract.
More information about the Office of the Controller can be found on the World Wide Web at
James L. Morgan
The Office of Sponsored Programs' (OSP) mission is to conduct the centrally organized administrative, business, and financial functions related to grant and contract administration and to assist faculty, principal investigators, and their administrators in the identification of resources for and the management of individual sponsored projects consistent both with MIT's academic and research policies and with the stewardship requirements of and obligations to external sponsors.
For fiscal year 1999 the total volume of sponsored research performed on campus was $376,047,000 (all numbers rounded to nearest thousand). This represents a slight decrease compared with the fiscal 1998 volume of $386,355,000. The breakdown by sponsor is shown in the table below.
(in thousands of dollars)
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
57,915 |
59,025 |
60,177 |
64,882 |
60,192 |
61,066 |
58,211 |
57,215 |
58,938 |
58,246 |
61,098 |
60,625 |
57,355 |
57,325 |
63,180 |
67,114 |
69,588 |
70,753 |
70,281 |
63,138 |
51,158 |
49,104 |
48,539 |
66,769 |
61,601 |
55,866 |
59,997 |
67,858 |
64,776 |
65,718 |
38,093 |
37,953 |
36,574 |
38,008 |
39,574 |
38,564 |
35,837 |
36,347 |
36,264 |
35,352 |
18,469 |
22,755 |
25,889 |
32,324 |
37,449 |
41,291 |
39,190 |
36,947 |
30,227 |
27,301 |
Other |
7,430 |
8,647 |
9,773 |
8,899 |
8,722 |
9,641 |
8,721 |
7,232 |
9,115 |
7,409 |
Subtotal |
234,163 |
238,109 |
238,307 |
268,206 |
270,718 |
273,542 |
271,544 |
276,352 |
269,601 |
257,164 |
Industry |
46,223 |
48,360 |
53,578 |
62,068 |
59,117 |
56,120 |
67,164 |
75,194 |
74,062 |
74,325 |
Nonprofit |
25,220 |
23,751 |
24,920 |
25,593 |
23,666 |
26,430 |
25,926 |
28,952 |
36,197 |
42,214 |
Other |
5,053 |
5,599 |
5,461 |
5,487 |
6,173 |
5,597 |
5,649 |
7,382 |
6,495 |
2,344 |
Subtotal |
76,496 |
77,710 |
83,959 |
93,148 |
88,956 |
88,147 |
98,739 |
111,528 |
116,754 |
118,884 |
310,660 |
315,819 |
322,267 |
361,354 |
359,674 |
361,689 |
370,283 |
387,880 |
386,355 |
376,047 |
The Institute addressed a variety of costing issues during the past fiscal year, ranging from cost sharing and effort reporting policies and issues to negotiation of F&A rates for future years. Items of particular interest are described below.
The Presidential Review Directive (PRD) report has identified cost sharing and effort reporting as a significant issue with respect to the research efforts of institutions of higher education. With the adoption of changes to OMB Circular A-21 in recent years and the incorporation of cost accounting standards in that document, the emphasis on accountability became, in large measure, on precision of cost accounting, not on research outcomes. The PRD report has clearly stated "The principal measure of accountability must be research outcomes" and has concluded that accountability and accounting are not the same. MIT has been active in working with federal agencies, the Federal Demonstration Partnership, and the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in proposing ways that accountability can be achieved with less burdensome administrative and cost accounting requirements.
MIT successfully completed negotiations with our cognizant agencies, Defense Contract Audit Agency and Office of Naval Research, to establish Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rates on a fixed with carryforward basis for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 at 63.5 percent MTDC (the same rate as for FY 98) and on a provisional basis for FY2002 at 65.5 percent MTDC. Employee benefit rates were negotiated for FY2000 at rates which were slightly lower than those rates for FY98.
One of the significant A-21 changes in 1998 was the adoption of a review process to ensure the reasonableness of facilities costs for research facilities costing over $10 million, of which 40 percent is expected to be used for federal research. There is a requirement for additional documentation for buildings costing greater than $25 million with more than 50 percent allocated to federal research. MIT has developed a formal process to meet these requirements and has created a standardized template for identifying types of costs and determining the reasonableness of those costs in comparison with appropriate peer data. This process will be utilized, first, for the Stata building, but will eventually be used for all new construction at the Institute.
The audit conducted annually as required by OMB Circular A-133 was successfully completed in June 1999 with an unqualified opinion, no identified material weaknesses, and a determination as a low-risk entity.
In July 1998 MIT adopted a new policy with regard to supporting graduate research assistants, wherein MIT elected to provide support for 30 percent of the stipend and tuition for each graduate research assistant. Further refinement of the Institute's support of graduate research students was undertaken during the fiscal year, and new policies were adopted which changed the distribution of Institute support between stipend and tuition categories but did not materially change the total support provided by the Institute to graduate research students.
Deployment of the post-award component of COEUS continues to departments, laboratories, and centers of this system. This will permit Institute personnel to access the database, and will provide the capability to produce standard and custom reports quickly and independently. The testing phase of MIT's electronic proposal system has been underway and is scheduled for completion in August 1999 with implementation beginning in fall 1999. This will enable any researcher at MIT using the technology already available in the researcher's office or laboratory to electronically create and submit proposals to federal agencies.
MIT was the first institution to receive electronic awards in a standardized format from ONR and was one of the first institutions to successfully transmit electronic proposals using a standardized EDI format to several federal funding agencies. We anticipate moving vigorously in this area with several federal agencies over the next 12 months, with a goal of receiving electronic awards loaded directly into MIT's computerized database system (COEUS), thus speeding the processing and establishing of awards for faculty and other MIT researchers.
More information about OSP can be found on the World Wide Web at
Julie Norris
Audio Visual Services is dedicated to meeting the Institute's needs for presentation support for a wide variety of activities, including classes, special events, and cultural programs. Through the use of audio, video, and computer projection and amplification systems, the department works with students, faculty, and staff to produce daily classes, seminars, conferences, and concerts, reaching thousands of people each year, both on campus and at remote sites around the world. More than 9,300 individual requests for service were filled this year, resulting in total income over $1,200,000. More than $250,000 of this billing was related to system installations in classrooms.
Supporting the Institute's educational activities comprised 65 percent of the department's work orders in the past year. The operation of audio visual equipment for daily classes and weekly support for seminars and colloquia continue to be the largest area of business for the department. The incorporation of computer technology into the curriculum has required a greater level of technical skill in interfacing personal computers to projection systems and other display equipment. Unique programs supported include video courses on the Business Channel hosted by the Public Broadcasting Service and originated by the Center for Advanced Educational Services.
Production of special events continues to be another focus of the department. Complex computer projection and audio systems were designed and operated by department technicians for the following events: the Lab for Computer Science's 35th Anniversary Celebration, a visit by the Premier of China, three Enterprise Forum satellite teleconferences, support for the Media Lab consortium meetings, the Media Lab Junior Summit, the Industrial Liaison Program conferences, the IEEE International Symposium, 1999 Commencement, and Tech Days.
Direct involvement in audio visual systems design for classrooms and lecture halls continued this year. Completed projects include the installation of computer and video projection and sound systems in Rooms 54-100, 1-190, and 26-139. A major audiovisual systems upgrade for Kresge Auditorium was completed, offering the Institute a greatly improved audio and video system for major events. Planning occurred during the spring for systems installations in Rooms 26-100, 6-120, 2-105, 34-101 and off campus at the MIT Lincoln Labs and the Endicott House. The department was an integral part in the planning of the Building 1 classroom renovation project through the spring semester. One classroom with a full audio visual system will be installed and ready by the beginning of the fall 1999 term.
In an effort to provide staff with work related continuing education opportunities, several department staff members attended the 1999 Infocomm International Conference in Orlando, FL in June. Infocomm is a showcase of communications technologies and a series of workshops designed to inform and educate industry professionals in the latest equipment and procedures to support presentations. In addition to this training opportunity, eight members of the department attended a two-day school hosted by Extron Electronics, a manufacturer of computer interfacing equipment. This training enables our technicians to be well versed in the current technologies and developments in large screen video and computer display technologies. Members of the department also took advantage of on-campus computer training opportunities held at MIT's Professional Learning Center, becoming better trained in software necessary to operate the department.
Further developments on the department-created workorder database occurred, with the incorporation of equipment circulation and technician assignment modules. Representatives from Information Systems and the Controller's Accounting Office contributed to make MIT Audio Visual Services a fully compliant Internal Service Provider for the Institute.
Further information about Audio Visual Services can be found on the World Wide Web at
Louis W. Graham, Jr.
The MIT Campus Police continued to commit itself to providing services to the Institute through community policing partnerships that reduce crime, create a safe environment, build trust, and enhance the quality of life in the academic community. The department remains committed to delivering quality service to the community in an effective, responsive, and professional manner.
The number of crimes against persons increased slightly over 1997, primarily due to reclassification of some offenses. The 1998 total was 27 incidents. All categories of theft dropped during the year. There were 156 incidents of theft of Institute-owned property compared to 196 last year. Computers and computer components were, once again, the most frequent type of Institute-owned property that was stolen. There were 256 incidents of theft of personal property reported at sites other than residences compared with 441 last year. The majority of the items stolen were wallets, laptop computers, and backpacks. There were 57 thefts inside residences reported this year compared with 112 last year, and the most frequently stolen items were bicycles and electronic equipment. There were 13 motor vehicle thefts this year, the same as last year. The theft of bicycles dropped significantly with a total of 99 bicycles stolen, a 10-year low.
The Safe Ride safety shuttle service provided 175,236 personal safety escorts during the year. Campus Police also supplemented Safe Ride by providing 738 personal safety escorts to members of the community when Safe Ride's early-morning operations ended.
The Campus Police Department provides 24-hour emergency medical services to all members of the MIT community as well as to Draper Laboratory and the Whitehead Institute. The total number of patients transported by the Campus Police decreased to 2,409 in 1998, a reduction of nine percent from 1997.
The Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) self-defense program continued to be a popular course. Since the start of the program in 1994, a total of 416 community members have been trained.
More information about this department, its services, operations, and campus crime can be found on the Word Wide Web at
Anne P. Glavin
The goal of this organization is to provide the community with the highest quality copier and copier-related services. We continually strive to maintain a balance of providing new technology at reasonable costs. To achieve success, we pledge to initiate creative programs of efficiency and quality controls while maintaining sound business principles. We hold the customer at the center of our efforts and their satisfaction as our mission.
A primary focus of our attention the past year was on the design, renovation, and successful opening of the new CopyTech Express Center located in the Stratton Student Center (Building W20). Located in an ideal high-profile setting, the new center represents a creative mix of services coupled with extended hours of operation geared towards the student population. The center opened for business on February 22, 1999 and was followed a few weeks later on March 10, 1999 with a festive grand opening.
The department has been involved in comprehensive analysis of all programming, network, and electronic functions in anticipation of potential Y2K issues. This has been done in departmental analysis and in conjunction with MIT's comprehensive ongoing Y2K efforts. We are confident that all of our Y2K issues have been addressed and will be in conformance as the end of 1999 approaches.
After a successful marketing strategy towards the student population, culminating in the opening of the W20 CopyTech Express Center, a new approach to educate the administrative community is about to begin. A tasteful, creative program will debut, relying upon many of the processes used in last year's student analysis. The goal will be to reacquaint the administrative population with the varied services available and the competitive pricing that is offered. It is our intention to launch an aggressive program that will identify and revisit those customers who are currently using other service providers. With the lessons learned from previous strategies and a confidence in our ability to provide quality, cost-effective services, we look forward to this challenge in the year ahead.
The past year has also been one of analysis and preparation for significantly upgrading much of our older analog copy equipment. The goal is to install state-of-the art digital equipment that will improve delivery of services as well as position us towards the increasing use of web and electronic submission of orders to our centers. This has begun on the smaller end of the copier inventory with plans to progress through all our equipment in the next year.
The financial picture of the department shows revenue on an even level from the previous year with sales approaching $3.3 million once again. The department has instituted a program of comparing pricing with regard to outside vendors to ensure delivery of the lowest pricing to the MIT community. This program has resulted in the lowering of prices for a number of services in the past year.
We successfully introduced the new CopyTech Express Center in the Stratton Student Center. The new center offers a number of copy and related services in a quick self-service setting. Some of the services available include computer workstations for rent, self-service copiers, poster size reproductions, fax, binding, laminating, and a choice of print options (b&w and color). A portion of the center contains coin-operated copiers and is accessible 24 hrs. Through a continuing partnership with Information Systems, the center also contains two Athena Quickstations and an Athena thesis printer for student convenience. CopyTech Express offers extended hours till midnight weekdays and is open all day Saturday and Sunday.
The grand opening of the CopyTech Express Center included a ribbon cutting ceremony and a day of free-giveaways and demonstrations. An enthusiastic mix of students, staff, and faculty attended the events.
The Copy Technology Centers (CTC) continue to form strong internal partnerships with a number of departments. A customized service arrangement was instituted with two departments that includes all pick-ups, deliveries, and special pricing. The center will continue to market our ability to tailor services to particular needs.
The past year saw our centers enter into a partnership with the MIT Coop to provide a full range of copy services. The partnership allows the Coop access to services offered at all three CTC locations. The reproduction of supplemental class material for sale in the Coop is expected to become a strong part of the arrangement.
The CopyTech Express Center in W20 has also developed a strong relationship with MIT Dining Services to assist in the production needs of that department. Close proximity to the W20 center has afforded a positive opportunity for both departments.
There were a number of department-wide upgrades of computers and related equipment in order to stay on top of the changing technology of our business. Improvements were made to our internal billing software and database to bring about Y2K compliance as well as needed adjustments.
The centers continue to seek ways to make paying for services as convenient as possible. Payments by cash, credit card, MIT Procurement Card, SAP requisition, and traditional requisition are all available to the community. Our department is working closely with the MIT Procurement Office to research ways of improving upon SAP requisitioning. As one of the largest of the internal providers listed in SAP, our desire is to help make the process a simple and efficient exercise.
The business of producing supplemental course material continues to be a dominant part of our operation. The centers in 11-004 and E52-045 continue to build upon this highly regarded service. The careful exploration of current and future technology will bring about improvements to this often difficult but necessary process. The Copyright Clearance Service, related to course material production, continues to be an integral component. The level of faculty compliance and the increased number of course packets submitted are tribute to the education efforts that this service has enacted over the past three years.
The Copy Technology Centers have done an extensive research project in the past year. The purpose was to lay the groundwork for implementing an all-digital production system networked to the MIT community. Initial plans are underway to replace older copier technology with new, state-of-the-art digital copiers. Starting with small and mid-size copiers, the plan will eventually include the larger production equipment in both 11-004 and E52-045. Examination of the existing, limited network has taken place and proposals for a new open architecture system were reviewed. The chosen system awaits implementation.
The goals of the Copy Technology Centers will focus around continuing the efforts of providing quality, efficient services wherever suited to the needs of the MIT community. We seek to use technology to bring present and potential customers closer to us using electronic commerce. We look forward to entering into new areas such as the World Wide Web submission of workorders. We also challenge ourselves to improve upon the ways our traditional services are offered and actively seek the input of the community towards that goal.
The organization has pledged to remain attuned to any future needs of the community. We will carefully weigh additional opportunities for further expansion. The initial success of the CopyTech Express Center has demonstrated that careful research of specific needs, coupled with creative planning can result in a positive experience for everyone involved. We will use this experience to explore additional site opportunities with the hope that we can have a positive impact on the work processes of the MIT community.
More information about this department can be found on the World Wide Web at
Steven M. Dimond
The $200,000 positive cash flow forecasted for FY1999 represents continued financial growth for the MIT Endicott House. Overall revenues increased 13 percent from the previous year, demonstrating ongoing business development in all market segments. These results support the continuation of efforts in facility renovations, targeted marketing strategies, and organizational focus.
The Endicott House achieved a 29 percent increase in MIT-related business during the year. The center hosted 94 overnight conferences, 29 of which were MIT-related (representing an 18 percent increase from the past year). Day conferences increased 10 percent over the previous year to 217, with 49 of these being MIT groups. Function bookings increased to 94, a 13 percent increase from last year. Total occupancy increased to 49 percent, up two percentage points from the previous year.
Sales and marketing efforts, spearheaded by Conference Center Consulting Group, are designed to develop strong relationships with MIT and greater-Boston communities. The group organized and conducted a number of activities, including hosting a Greater Boston Visitor and Convention Bureau open house, direct mail campaigns to MIT conference planners, corporate client luncheons, print media advertising, direct sales calls, and our second exhibit at the New England Flower Show.
Renovations and facility maintenance efforts included the following: guestroom renovations, HVAC systems replacement, terrace awning expansion, general building repairs, and equipment purchases in the food service, beverage service, housekeeping, and audiovisual departments.
We anticipate continued business growth in overnight conferences in FY2000 through direct marketing efforts and expect to end FY2000 with a positive cash flow for a second year.
More information about MIT Endicott House can be found on the World Wide Web at http:/
Michael R. Fitzgerald
The Office of Insurance and Legal Affairs (ILA) serves the Institute's needs for addressing property and casualty insurance exposures and claims and responds to a variety of legal issues.
The two claims resulting from the electrical outages of the Plasma Science and Fusion generator, which occurred on June 26 and November 6 of 1997, were settled, for a total of $936,216, of which MIT's insurer paid $819,670. The fire in Building 20A was also settled, for a total of $142,474. Additional fires in Buildings 2 and 6 incurred charges of $98,000. Water damage claims continue to be problematic, with 14 reported claims, incurring costs in excess of $330,000. The heavy rains from the June 13, 1998 storm added another $360,000 to MIT's property losses.
As a result of significant property losses over the past three years (FY97 = $3.2M, including two cogeneration claims; FY98 = $1.1M; FY99 = $625K), no insurer was willing to quote MIT's property coverage at the expiring deductible level of $50,000. After consultation with Financial Operations, it was decided to renew coverage with Factory Mutual Insurance Company, with a $200,000 deductible for all losses except those that occur at the cogeneration facility, where the deductible is $500,000.
Premiums for all lines of insurance remained fairly level for FY99, within a budget of $3.4 million. Some increases were experienced in the following areas: Property insurance, due to higher limits and new acquisitions; workers' compensation, because of higher payroll coupled with higher state assessments for self-insurers; general liability, as MIT raised the level of its premium for its own insurance company in order to build reserves for incurred claims.
Several liability claims were resolved during the year, including one significant claim arising from a contractor dispute at Lincoln Laboratory. However, a number of matters remain in active phases of litigation. They include several employment-related matters, several claims arising out of alcohol-related incidents at fraternities, as well as the claim relating to research conducted at our nuclear reactor in the 1960s.
This office provided assistance to the Association of Alumni and Alumnae, in the development of the Affinity credit card, which was launched at the reunion activities in June. Support continues for the Campus Dining Office in the contract negotiations with ARAMARK as the campus food service provider.
More information about the Office of Insurance and Legal Affairs can be found on the World Wide Web at
Thomas R. Henneberry
On October 1, the department changed its name from Physical Plant to Facilities to reflect more accurately the range of services it provides. In addition to Custodial, Repair and Maintenance, Grounds, and Mail Services, the department also has other functions including Interior Design, Construction, Systems Engineering, Architectural Design, and Utilities.
Under the guidance of the Strategic Leadership Team and the Operation Leadership Team, the department retained its commitment to establishing priorities, resolving conflicts and guaranteeing the realization of the goals of this large, diverse group. As it works toward providing the best possible service for its customers, the department continues to be a responsible steward and strongly advocates for infrastructure renewal of the buildings on campus.
In addition, the department continued to follow the model outlined by reengineering, and implemented a conversion to SAP. The successful rollout included all areas within Facilities and was on target with the Institute's timeline.
This year saw the decommissioning and demolition of historic Building 20. Its former location is the future site of the Ray and Maria Stata Center for Computer, Information and Intelligence Sciences, which is being designed by world-renowned architect Frank O. Gehry. The decommissioning completed a complex set of space changes and renovations that relocated more than 125,502 square feet of office space, labs, and classrooms from Building 20 to many locations both on and off campus. Design for the Stata Center has proceeded to schematic design with groundbreaking slated for 2000.
Department staff formed a task force to develop a new approach to estimating and scoping space change projects in support of an initiative by the Committee for the Review of Space Planning (CRSP) to plan work for FY 2000. This process entailed estimating 150 projects in a six-week period (previously distributed over a 12-month period) and has suggested a means of more efficiently and effectively planning the department's resources.
Other highlights include the following.
Master planning continued for the Department of Chemistry for renovations in Buildings 2, 4, 6, and 18. Laser labs were completed, transforming basement space into first-class lab space.
Construction began in the spring for major renovation for the Aeronautics and Astronautics department in building 33. The Complex Systems Development and Operations Laboratory will transform the basement through the third floor into a unique series of spaces and will support the department's strategic plan to redefine their academic program. Major infrastructure work is also being carried out on the entire building.
The second of a three-year campaign of renovations commenced in Baker Hall. When finished in the summer of 2000, this landmark building, designed by Alvar Aalto, will have completely new heating, plumbing, power, and lighting systems that will provide essential services to residents for the next 50 years.
Two new lecture halls were completed in Building 4. The scope of work included all new finishes and electrical and mechanical systems. Each is equipped with permanent Athena workstations and provide tel-data connections at each student seat.
A new undergraduate dormitory, designed by noted architect Steven Holl, is scheduled to open in the fall of 2001. It will be located at the west end of Vassar Street and will house between 300 and 350 students.
In addition to routine services, the department's financial operations focused on keeping pace with the technological, physical, and training needs of Facilities staff and the MIT community. Through careful cross-functional team analysis and testing, finance and development staffs have customized SAP to serve the business interests of diverse
Facilities operating units while continuing to meet expectations of the Institute. Conversion to SAP also highlighted a unique opportunity to improve underlying work processes, system security, efficiency, and user sophistication. A shift of departmental records from the PPL system to SAP took more than a year and involved nearly 50 people within Facilities. Facilities finance staff, in conjunction with the department's Learning and Performance team, have provided training for all departmental users in SAP.
Numerous issues remain with the SAP system, however, among them the need to establish a versatile reporting procedure for capital projects and utilities, as well as interfaces between different systems. One goal is to accomplish accounting objectives without creating parallel record systems.
An inclusive new approach to establishing business unit budgets was also launched during the fiscal 2000 budget process. This move toward greater inclusion and training in the accounting cycle has heightened process owner awareness of the consequences of fiscal decisions throughout the year.
The Management Information Systems group continues to support the department's processes. The transition to SAP from PPL for all of the department's accounting functions was completed by the Institute deadline of June 30, 1999. The team continued to provide assistance for Maximo, an I/T system to track work within Repair and Maintenance.
A strategic planning effort for all I/T related activities in the department was completed and a final plan produced. The planning team recommended some organizational restructuring including a name change effective July 1, 1999 to Facilities Information Technology, as well as process and measurement for I/T related activities.
The Insite Space Management system client and database were upgraded and transitioned to the Windows NT platform. In addition, the department has upgraded its local area network environment for year 2000 compliance. Other year 2000 issues have been identified and upgrades are underway to ensure year 2000 compliance for all administrative systems in the department.
The central and zone teams in Repair and Maintenance continue to serve the Institute with enhanced customer service as a primary focus. A survey of customers last fall provided information on how Facilities can keep the community better informed. In addition to communications efforts, strategies are presently under development to provide increased construction support, to address changes in regulatory procedures and codes, and to respond to aging building systems and campus growth.
Mail Services purchased and installed an ink jet label printer to provide faster and more efficient service to departments utilizing its outbound bulk mail operation. The staff in Mail Services continues to work with Information Systems and the Personnel Office on the Publication, Subscription, Address and List Management System (PSALMS) project. Transfer of label and list production from Personnel to Mail Services is currently in the training and testing phase. Work with MIT editors on campus will begin in the fall of 1999.
The three shipping and receiving areas on campus were consolidated into two areas. The existing Building 3 receiving area was renovated and the dock at E19 was expanded. The E19 location will handle the increased load created by the loss of the Building 20 dock.
Building Services is in the process of refining cleaning routines and work teams to provide enhanced and more dependable service. This process should be complete and in the pilot stage by September 1999.
The remaining Grounds Zone teams, which include four campus landscape teams and one mechanics and movers team, were organized, trained, and rolled out.
Utilities had continued success in the regulatory, legal, and legislative arenas this year by successfully defeating a new, very damaging Customer Exit Charge utility tariff. The department's intervention in the generation asset divestiture case saved Cambridge rate payers $16 million, and a settlement was reached over disputed energy conservation payments dating from 1994.
Water conserving bathroom fixtures installed throughout the campus this year will save 30 million gallons of water annually along with the related monetary savings. Construction began on two major reliability and capacity enhancement projects: the replacement of the 2000 kilowatt emergency diesel generator serving the plant and the main group, and the 5000-ton chiller addition. The generator will be operational before the millennium and the chiller before next summer. Y2K upgrade of the boiler, chiller, and the balance of plant controls was successfully executed in May without disruption to the community.
A joint effort by Utilities staff and the Planning Office, with input from MIT and industry experts, developed projections of near term and the ultimate built-out campus space, the related utility projections, and the footprint required to allow rational expansion of production facilities over the years to serve the load. An architectural concept for the ultimate central utility plant buildings was developed as well as engineering concepts for the production facilities themselves.
The Learning and Performance Center implemented a comprehensive training program. One milestone was the publication of a Training Guidelines catalog that lists training requirements for each job classification in Facilities. Training is classified in four categories: Legal/Safety Required, Facilities Required, Recommended, and optional courses. Among the Facilities required courses are "Communications 101," which focuses on effective and essential communications skills, and "Diversity Awareness" that provides an opportunity to learn about or fine tune the skills to work with human differences. This latter program has enhanced our overall diversity efforts.
The department was saddened by the loss of two long-time employees this year: Wendy Stone and Michael Taub. Wendy was assistant director for MIS and came to Facilities from MIT's Information Systems. She was instrumental in the reengineering of Physical Plant into Facilities and led several teams, one of which established the guidelines for the transition of PPL to SAP. While a terminal illness broke her down physically, her spirit drove her to continue, and without Wendy's redesign, the SAP rollout would not be as successful as it was. Michael was a valuable member of the Utilities group and served as manager of the Central Utilities Plant. In addition, he was a key contributor to several department and Institute teams including the Metering Team, the Strategic Leadership Team, and the Performance Consulting & Training Team.
Other changes in staff included the retirement of Robert Candela. Not only was Bob assistant director of Design and Construction, but he also served as a mentor to his staff. This year, he received the Association of General Contractors Excellence in Project Management Award for his role on the renovations in Buildings 16 and 56.
Two appointments of note occurred this year. James Wallace, who served as assistant to the director for special services, was appointed to the re-opened position of assistant director for operations. Jim will lead and support the Repair and Maintenance, Grounds and Building Services, and Mail Services areas. In an effort to improve communications within the department and with the MIT community as well as the city of Cambridge, the department created the position of communications manager. Ruth T. Davis, formerly of MIT's Public Relations Services, has filled this position.
Facilities's effort to increase representation of minorities and women throughout the department continues, with particular emphasis on administrative staff positions. This has been achieved through the broadening of the search plan scope and by becoming more aggressive in the recruitment of qualified minority candidates. The department continues to work in conjunction with the special assistant to the vice president for equal opportunity and affirmative action programs to identify and attract minority candidates. The development of minorities and women within Facilities continues through training and education.
In the past year the department faced many challenges and worked together to meet them. Accomplishments made as a result of the changing situation improved the daily life of both the people within the department and throughout the Institute.
More information about the Facilities department can be found on the World Wide Web at
Victoria V. Sirianni
The Planning Office is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of MIT's master campus plan. It is the Institute's central professional planning resource for planning information, policy analysis, and physical development alternatives for both campus and community issues and for all levels of the Institute. The Planning Office's mission as MIT's campus planning agency has three essential elements:
Spaces In & In Between: An MIT Campus Design Forum was conducted under the auspices of the Dean of the School of Architecture and Planning for the Chancellor's strategic planning effort. The Planning Office played the key organizing and coordinating role, preparing a variety of materials and providing on-site coordination and support during the three-day event. Participation included senior MIT faculty and administration plus invited architects Frank Gehry, Steven Holl, Laurie Olin, Fumihiko Maki, Harry Ellenzweig, and Charles Correa.
The MIT Campus Development and Landscape Plan is a new initiative under the leadership of Executive Vice President John R. Curry. Planning Office staff providing support for the project include Michael Owu (senior planning officer) and Jennifer Marshall (associate planning officer) as senior project advisor and project planner, respectively. The preliminary project organization is complete. The Olin Partnership will serve as design consultants, and initial results are anticipated in November 1999.
The completion of the MIT Strategic Utilities Plan represented an extensive joint effort coordinated by Jennifer Marshall and Daniel Spiess (assistant planning officer) of the Planning Office and included the Department of Facilities, Information Systems, and the Safety Office. The result is a long-term view of MIT's utility requirements, the designation of appropriate utility corridors on the campus, and an analysis of the capacity needed to support campus development. The report is currently under review.
Surveys of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates were completed by Lydia Snover (assistant director for planning information and institutional research) and Beatrice Frain (assistant planning officer). In several cases, the resulting data can be compared with those from similar initiatives at MIT's peer institutions because the Planning Office represents MIT in a variety of peer group activities and consortia.
The 70 Memorial Drive Design Concours was conducted as part of a planning initiative for the MIT Sloan School of Management. Planning Office staff, led by Jennifer Marshall and assisted by Daniel Spiess organized and coordinated the event, which included participation by an international group of architectural firms. Represented were Barton Myers Associates, Ellenzweig Associates, Henn Architects Engineers, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, Moore Ruble Yudell Architects, and Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The resulting design ideas were on display for alumni and visitors, as well as presented on the World Wide Web.
The Planning Office's support for the Stata Center project continued during the past year. Design review comments were prepared by Jacquelin McBride (senior planning officer) for the Stata Center itself as well as several related projects, including a new Northeast Sector development plan produced by Frank O. Gehry and Associates, the architects for the project, and a variety of specialty consultants. A particularly sensitive issue was the demolition of Building 20. Director of Planning O. Robert Simha and Michael Owu prepared the presentations and regulatory analyses required by the Cambridge Historic Commission and the Cambridge Planning Board.
The pre-design studies for the Media Lab expansion began in earnest. The Planning Office has provided a variety of regulatory analyses and design review comments, and will continue to monitor the project for conformance with departmental program and Institute goals. The office has also begun the preparation of materials needed for presentation to the Cambridge Historic Commission as part of the demolition permit application process for buildings E10 and E20, whose existing sites are required for this project.
Several major transportation, circulation, and parking initiatives were part of the Planning Office's work during the past year, including preparation of an Albany Street Parking Garage and Pedestrian Circulation Report which was submitted to Stata Center project staff in support of that project. In addition, preliminary planning, design, and engineering for the Massachusetts Avenue and Memorial Drive intersection were completed. Those projects are currently awaiting the outcome of negotiations between Cambridge and Metropolitan District Commission on final design. Planning for the proposed Urban Ring Project has been ongoing. The Planning Office represents the Institute on several city and state planning and advisory committees.
The Planning Office supported a variety of efforts in the area of undergraduate education and residential life. These included modifications to the Housing and Enrollment Model originally developed by Associate Director Robert Kaynor at the request of President Charles Vest, and used to identify critical policy issues as well as to set the target for admission of the Class of 2003. Design of the proposed Vassar Street undergraduate residence moved ahead with the selection of Steven Holl and Associates as the design architect. Planning Office staff continue to provide substantial support to this project and have submitted zoning analyses and design review comments. Eric Novak, associate planning officer, was instrumental in supporting Associate Provost Phillip Clay in the development of a set of Residential Systems Housing Principles which have been used by students, faculty, and staff in the Office of the Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education (ODSUE). The Planning Office has managed the preparation of the urban design and building program documents. The office also provided major planning support to Chancellor Lawrence Bacow's Residence System Redesign initiative.
A critical element in the preparation for construction of new buildings is often the management of MIT's participation in the local regulatory approval process. Demolition reports and permit applications were successfully completed for Briggs Field House (CAF/Pool project), Building 20 and Alumni Pool additions (CIIS/Stata project), and are in process for E10 and E20 (Media Lab expansion project). Of particular importance to MIT's future campus development are a series of zoning initiatives being considered by the City of Cambridge. O. Robert Simha continues as a member of the City-Wide Growth Management Task Force, which is evaluating down-zoning alternatives and major zoning by-law changes.
Progress in Other Areas
The Planning Office accomplished a number of goals in key planning areas, although success could not be assured in every case due to events outside the control of the office, such as decisions made by external governmental authorities. Our work, and its results, included:
Strategic Planning
Land Resources Report |
Completed |
Capital Development Program |
Report redesign and update in progress |
Building Committee Support |
Ongoing |
Planning Information and Institutional Research
HERI Faculty Survey |
Completed |
Graduate Student Survey |
Completed |
COFHE "Cycles" Undergraduate Student Survey |
Completed |
External surveys |
Coordinated responses to 300+ inquiries, including American Society for Engineering Education, National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, US News, Petersen's Guides |
Department Profiles Data System |
Ongoing; updated for FY 1999; upgraded to new software |
Five Year Plan Data System |
Ongoing; updated for FY 1999; upgraded to accommodate changes requested by Provost's Office |
CRSP Support |
Ongoing; included 304 Vassar Street analysis, Personnel relocation study, E40-I/S relocation analysis, negotiations with BCS for relocation from E10 to 3 Cambridge Center, Alumni Association relocation analysis, Resource Development relocation analysis |
Academic Facilities Planning
Sloan School of Management |
Long-range planning support |
School of Humanities and Social Science |
Long-range planning support |
Neuroscience/McGovern Institute Planning |
Ongoing; preliminary site alternatives and financial analyses completed and submitted to Provost |
Aeronautics and Astronautics Renovations |
Ongoing; design review and coordination |
Classroom Renovation Program |
Ongoing; design review and coordination |
Northeast Sector Classroom Needs Analysis |
Preliminary Review of Classroom Needs in the Northeast Sector completed; draft submitted to CIIS/Stata project staff |
Classroom Facilities Survey and Database |
To be completed; update of 1987 classroom needs analysis |
Teaching and Learning Center Preliminary Program |
Completed; submitted to Provost and Stata Center project staff |
Transportation, Circulation, and Parking
Hazardous Materials Report |
Completed; results submitted to CIIS/Stata project staff |
Surface Parking Lots |
Preliminary planning complete; ongoing design review |
McDermott Court Access |
Preliminary planning complete; ongoing design review |
MIT Parking Projections Report |
Completed; report submitted to EVP |
Housing and Residential Life
Ongoing planning and administrative offices support |
Baker House Renovation |
Ongoing design review |
New House Master's Apartment Addition |
Zoning analysis complete; ongoing design review |
Undergraduate Housing Contingency Planning |
Completed; contingency options report submitted to ODSUE/Residential Life |
Graduate Student Housing |
On hold; preliminary planning and feasibility analysis completed |
Worthington Place Housing Implementation |
Status review completed; submission of materials to ODSUE/Residential Life and consultant |
California Paint Faculty Housing Study |
Preliminary program and financial analysis completed; awaiting successful conclusion of owner relocation and property acquisition |
NW30 Student Housing Study |
Preliminary program and financial analysis completed |
Community and Support Facilities Planning
MIT Childcare Center |
Advisory role; Preliminary Facilities Program completed; submitted to Stata Center project team |
MIT Retail Survey |
Completed; submitted to ODSUE/Campus Activities |
LIST Visual Arts Center Signage |
Completed |
Athletic and Recreational Facilities
Central Athletic Facility |
Project on hold at completion of schematic design, pending renewed fund-raising initiatives |
Alumni Pool Program |
Completed; submitted via Athletics to Stata Center project team |
Cambridge and Regulatory Issues
350 Main Street Acquisition |
Failed to acquire due to City's decision to award property to commercial hotel interests. Represented MIT at the Board of Zoning Appeal to ensure that the Project will not adversely affect MIT operations |
Assistant Planning Officer Ruth Harrington left at the end of August 1998 to accept a position at Goody, Clancy.
Assistant Planning Officer Daniel Spiess left at the conclusion of his temporary appointment on June 30, 1999.
Institute, professional, and Community Service
Planning Office staff served on a variety of MIT committees, including the Building Committee, the Committee for the Review of Space Planning, the Parking and Transportation Committee, the Athletic Board, the Educational Studies Working Group, the Working Group on Support Staff Issues, the Committee on Animal Care, two of the residence redesign teams which worked during IAP, and the Boston Seminar Series Committee of the MIT Club of Boston.
Staff were also active in several professional societies, serving on the Professional Development Committee of the Society for College and University Planning, the Nominating Committee for the Northeast Association for Institutional Research, the Technology Task Group of the Association for Institutional Research, and the Historic Resources Committee of the Boston Society of Architects. Presentations included a paper on teaching technologies given at the annual forum of the European Association for Institutional Research in San Sebastian, Spain and at the annual forum of the Association for Institutional Research in Seattle, Washington by Lydia Snover and O. Robert Simha, and Mrs. Snover also participated on an AIR Forum panel regarding the use of National Science Foundation data by colleges and universities. Jacquelin McBride served as a lecturer at the Museum of Fine Arts' Museum School and taught an Introduction to Architecture studio at Tufts University. Mr. Simha continued to teach a Space Planning and Management course for the Society of College and University Planning as well as a freshman seminar on university planning at MIT.
Community activities included staff participation on the Cambridge Pedestrian Advisory Committee, the Cambridge City-Wide Growth Management Task Force, and the Development Committee of the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay.
O. Robert Simha
Procurement (formerly called Purchasing and Stores) assists the MIT community in the procurement of goods and services–providing advice and services that ensure favorable prices, protective terms and conditions, and compliance with MIT policies and procedures, with Federal contract and grant regulations, and with the Institute's government-approved procurement process. In July 1998, MIT received a letter granting approval of the Institute's purchasing system through July 31, 2001.
1999 was a year of significant changes for Procurement, both organizationally and in the systems used by the MIT community for purchasing. The office's name was changed from Purchasing and Stores to Procurement, and it moved to renovated space in Building E19-370. The new offices, which have ergonomic furniture and a team-oriented layout, were designed to serve as an office furniture showroom for prospective customers. In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1999, Procurement was moved organizationally to the Controller's Accounting Office, providing opportunities to consolidate groups involved in procurement and to improve productivity.
A major achievement of fiscal year 1999 was the rollout of SAP requisitioning to the MIT community and the retirement of legacy purchasing systems. MIT departments began using SAP to create purchase requisitions in September 1998, and since then, the easy-to-use SAPweb requisition form has been widely used by the community. Another significant milestone was the release of ECAT2, which is a set of SAP-integrated electronic catalogs for purchasing office supplies, computer equipment, and gases from MIT preferred vendors. ECAT2 was released late in fiscal year 1999 and is rapidly gaining acceptance within the MIT community.
After the release of ECAT2, the Institute initiated a change in policy for capital equipment purchases from NECX, MIT's preferred computer equipment supplier. Procurement no longer reviews orders for equipment purchased with sponsored funds prior to issuing an electronic purchase order. Procurement does a daily post-review of purchase orders using reports designed for that purpose. This process makes it important for departments to ensure that requisitions for capital equipment using sponsored funds are in compliance with the sponsor's rules.
Use of the MIT Visa Procurement Card (VIP Card), introduced in fiscal year 1998, grew substantially during 1999. By June 1999, there were more than 1,200 cardholders representing 128 departments, with a monthly dollar volume of nearly $800,000. During fiscal year 1999, there were over 28,000 VIP Card transactions totaling more than $5.0 million.
Another important milestone was the shutdown of the legacy EREQ (Electronic Requisitioning) and DAPO (Department Awarded Purchase Order) systems, on June 30, 1999. Long in advance of this date, users were advised to prepare for this shutdown, and given assistance in transitioning to the new systems.
Concurrent with the final shutdown of the EREQ system, the legacy signature authorization system (VAPS) was shut down. It was replaced by the Roles Database during fiscal year 1999, and legacy system signature cards were eliminated in early June 1999.
Another significant accomplishment was the renewal, after a lengthy bidding process, of the Institute's partnership with DHL Worldwide Express for express shipping services. The new DHL partnership provides better prices than the previous contract and will result in savings on shipping services throughout the Institute.
The 6th Annual Vendor Fair held on October 1, 1998 was well attended by members of the community.
In the coming year, Procurement will work to integrate operations with the Controller's Office and learn more about the financial side of the business. Procurement will also work closely with Financial Systems Services to implement an upgrade to SAP version 4.5, work with Internal Service Providers to help them to better utilize SAP, and work with Facilities on issues pertaining to procurement for construction and receiving of chemicals in the Stata Center. Procurement will continue to encourage the community to use the new purchasing methods, to increase participation in electronic commerce, and to form more partnerships.
More information about Procurement can be found of the World Wide Web at
Diane J. Shea
The Safety Office provides advice, counsel, and programs to the MIT community that promote a safe environment in which to learn and work. The office also implements safety-related functions to ensure compliance with Institute policies and government regulations.
MIT joined the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) "Clean Charles Coalition" effort with the purchase of a boat that will be used to clear floating debris and the funding of a graduate student to assist the EPA in researching Charles River issues. The Independent Living Group (ILG) Housemanagers' manual was updated, and concentrated efforts were made to instruct the ILGs in fire safety and related concerns. Fire safety surveys were completed for 80 percent of campus dormitories, with the remaining 20 percent scheduled to be completed by July 30. The Safety Office maintained oversight of the many demolition, renovation, and construction projects throughout the campus. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) training continued in the areas of lock out/tag out, electrical safety, confined space, and fall protection. Department of Transportation (DOT) vehicle and driver identification surveys were distributed as a first step in the development of mandated DOT driver testing, monitoring and training programs.
Follow up and action items resulting from the EPA's May 1998 inspection continued, and we are still awaiting the results of this inspection.
David Barber was transferred from the Department of Facilities to the Safety Office in December of 1998 and assumed the position of assistant safety and environmental officer.
The Safety Office will be celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. It was established in July 1949.
The Safety Office continued its general oversight of safety needs and programs by participating in ongoing reviews, assessments and evaluations, studies, and projects in laboratories, classrooms, and offices. Another continued priority was ensuring that the Institute was in compliance with all legislated safety requirements and Workers' Compensation laws. The staff in the Safety Office received additional training, development, and certification to further ensure that the Institute was meeting or exceeding its many requirements and diverse challenges.
More information about this department can be found on the World Wide Web at
Walter G. Diaz
MIT Reports to the President 1998-99