Schiller PH; Koerner F
Journal of Neurophysiology, 1971 Sept., 34:5, 920-35.
1. Single-unit activity was studied in the superior colliculus of the alert
rhesus monkey. One eye of each animal was immobilized prior to the experiment
by transection of the 3rd, 4th, and 6th cranial nerves. Eye-movement electrodes
were implanted around the orbit of the moving eye. During recordings the head
was restrained, permitting the study of both the receptive fields of collicular
units via the immobilized eye and their relation to eye movement as assessed
by EOG records of the moving eye.
2. In the superficial layers of the superior colliculus units responded only
to visual stimuli. These units were not specific regarding stimulus shape or
direction of stimulus movement. They were selective, however, in terms of stimulus
size. Two types of such units were discerned; one class responded well both
to smoothly moving and stationary, flashing stimuli. The other class failed
to respond to smooth movement and discharged most vigorously to rapid, jerky
stimulus displacements.
3. In the lower layers of the superior colliculus units associated with eye
movements were found. These units fired in sharp bursts prior to saccades. Discharge
was specific in terms of both the direction and the size of rapid eye movements
and was independent of the initial position of the eye in the orbit. Most of
these units had receptive fields which were located in that area of the visual
field to which the fovea was directed as a result of a discharge-associated
saccade. Some of these units discharged prior to saccades both in the light
and dark.
4. Those units related to eye movement which had their visual receptive fields
near the center of the fovea discharged both prior to small saccades and during
smooth pursuit. These units appear to participate in the correction of retinal-target
errors during tracking.
5. The results suggest that the monkey superior colliculus plays an important
role in the foveal acquisition and maintenance of visual targets.
Unique Identifier | 72009491 |
Publication Type | JOURNAL ARTICLE |
ISSN | ???????? |
Country of Publication | UNITED STATES |