Please email phschill
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P.H. Schiller, Behavioral and electrophysiological studies of visual
masking. (1969) In: Symposium on Information Processing in the
Nervous System, ed. Leibowitz. Springer-Verlag. (no abstract
P.H. Schiller, The discharge
characteristics of single units in the oculomotor and abducens nuclei
of the unanesthetized monkey. (1970) Exp. Brain Res., 10 (4),
P.H. Schiller and
F. Koerner, Discharge characteristics of single units in the superior
colliculus of the alert rhesus monkey. (1971) J. Neurophysiol.,
34 (5), 920-992.
P.H. Schiller and M. Stryker,
Single unit recording and stimulation in the superior colliculus of the
alert rhesus monkey. (1972) J. Neurophysiol., 35 (6), 915-924.
P.H. Schiller, B. Finlay and
S. Volman, Quantitative studies of single-cell properties in monkey striate
cortex. I-V. (1976) J. Neurophysiol., 39 (6), 1288-1361.
J. Malpeli and P.H. Schiller,
Lack of blue OFF-center cells in the visual system of the monkey. (1978)
Brain Res., 141, 385-389.
P.H. Schiller and
J. Malpeli, Functional specificity of lateral geniculate nucleus laminae
of the rhesus monkey. (1978) J. Neurophysiol., 41 (3), 788-797.
P.H. Schiller, S.D.
True and J.L. Conway, The effects of frontal eye field and superior colliculus
ablations on eye movement. (1979) Science, 206, 590-592.
J. Malpeli, P.H. Schiller
and C.L. Colby, Response properties of single cells in monkey striate
cortex during reversible inactivation of individual lateral geniculate
laminae. (1981) J. Neurophysiol., 46 (5), 1102-1119.
P.H. Schiller and
J.H. Sandell, Interactions between visually and electrically elicited
saccades before and after superior colliculus and frontal eye field ablations
in the rhesus monkey. (1983) Exp. Brain Res., 49 (3), 381-392.
P.H. Schiller, The central visual system. (1986) In: The 25th
Jubilee Issue of Vision Research, Vol. 26. (no abstract available)
P.H. Schiller, Central connections
of the retinal ON and OFF pathways. (1982) Nature, 297 (5867),
P.H. Schiller, J.H. Sandell
and J.H.R. Maunsell, The functions of the ON and OFF channels of the visual
system. (1986) Nature, 322 (6082), 824-825.
N.K. Logothetis,
P.H. Schiller, E.R. Charles and A.C. Hurlbert, Perceptual deficits and
the activity of the color-opponent and broad-band pathways at isoluminance.
(1990) Science, 247 (4939), 214-217.
P.H. Schiller, N.K. Logothetis
and E.R. Charles, Functions of the color-opponent and broad-band channels
of the visual system. (1990) Nature, 343 (6253), 68-72.
P.H. Schiller, N.K. Logothetis,
The color-opponent and broad-band channels of the primate visual system.
(1990) Trends in Neurosciences, 13 (10), 392-398.
P.H. Schiller and K.
Lee, The role of the primate extrastriate area V4 in vision. (1991) Science,
251 (4998), 1251-1253.
P.H. Schiller, The
effects of V4 and middle temporal (MT) area lesions on visual performance
in the rhesus monkey. (1993) Visual Neuroscience, 10 (4), 717-746.
P.H. Schiller and
K. Lee, The effects of lateral geniculate nucleus, area V4 and middle
temporal (MT) lesions on visually guided eye movements. (1994) Visual
Neuroscience, 11 (2), 229-241.
E.J. Tehovnik, K. Lee
and P.H. Schiller, Stimulation-evoked saccades from the dorsomedial frontal
cortex of the rhesus monkey following lesions of the frontal eye fields
and superior colliculus. (1994) Exp. Brain Res., 98 (2), 179-190.
P.H. Schiller, Effect
of lesions in visual cortical area V4 on the recognition of transformed
objects. (1995) Nature, 376 (6538), 342-344.
P.H. Schiller, Past and present ideas about how the visual scene is
analyzed by the brain.(1997) In: Cerebral Cortex, Vol 12: Extrastriate
Cortex, eds. Kaas and Rockland. Plenum. (no abstract available)
K. Zipser, V.A.F. Lamme and P.H.
Schiller, Contextual modulation in primary visual cortex. (1996) J.
Neurosci., 16 (22), 7376-7389.
P.H. Schiller, The neural control of visually guided eye movements.
(1998) In: Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention. ed. J.
Richards. Erlbaum. (no abstract available)
P.H. Schiller and
I. Chou, The effects of frontal eye field and dorsomedial frontal cortex
lesions on visually guided eye movements (1998) Nature Neurosci.,
1 (3), 248-253.
I. Chou, M. Sommer and P.H. Schiller.
Express averaging saccades in monkeys. (1999) Vision Research,
39 (25), 4200-4216.
E.J. Tehovnik, M.A.
Sommer, I. Chou, W.M. Slocum, and P.H. Schiller, Eye fields in the frontal
lobes of primates. (2000) Brain Research. Brain Research Reviews,
32 (2-3), 413-448.
P.H. Schiller and E.J. Tehovnik,
Look and See: How the brain moves your eyes about. Chapter 9 in: Vision:
from Neurons to Cognition, eds, C. Casanova and M. Ptito. Progress
in Brain Research, Vol 134. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001.
A. Cao and P.H. Schiller,
Behavioral assessment of motion parallax and stereopsis as depth cues
in rhesus monkeys, (2002) Vision Research, 42 (16), 1953-1961.
E.J. Tehovnik, W.M.
Slocum and P.H. Schiller, (2002) Differential effects of laminar stimulation
of V1 on target selection by macaque monkeys. European Journal of
Neuroscience, 16 (4), 751-760.
A. Cao and P.H. Schiller,
(2003) Neural responses to relative speed in the primary visual cortex
of rhesus monkey. Visual Neuroscience, 20 (1), 77-84.
P.H. Schiller and E.J.
Tehovnik, (2003) Cortical inhibitory circuits in eye-movement generation.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 18 (11), 3127-3133.
E.J. Tehovnik, W.M.
Slocum and P.H. Schiller, (2003) Saccadic eye movements evoked by microstimulation
of striate cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17 (4), 870-878.
P.H. Schiller and J. Kendall,
(2004) Temporal factors in target selection with saccadic eye movements,
Experimental Brain Research, 154 (2), 154-159.
P.H. Schiller, W.M.
Slocum, C. Carvey and A.S. Tolias, (2004) Are express saccades generated
under natural viewing conditions? European Journal of Neuroscience,
20 (9), 2467-2473.