The Neural
Control of Vision
E. The Striate Cortex
Figure 10 shows the major connections
from the LGN to area V1. The LGN receives input from 3 major classes of
retinal ganglion cells. The midget cells that project to the parvocellular
layers (3-6), the parasol cells that project to the magnocellular layers
(1-2) and the koniocellular cells that project to the intralaminar layers
of the LGN. The parvocellular LGN cells project predominantly to layer
4c beta and the magnocellular LGN cells to layer 4c alpha. The koniocellular
cells project predominantly to the upper layers of V1, layers 1 and 2.
A subpopulation of these cells appears to be involved in processing color
coding the blue/yellow system (see Color Processing).