Rating: "I, <name>, do solemnly swear to support and defend the Linked Worlds against the Terrans, the Deciders, and the Flames; that I will protect the lives of my shipmates; and that I will obey the officers appointed over me."
Consultant: "I, <name<, do solemnly swear to protect the lives of my shipmates; and that I will assist the Watch Officers and Captain of the Hippocrates in their mission."
Officer: "I, <name>, do solemnly swear to protect the lives of my shipmates; and that I will recognize the authority of the Watch Officers and Captain of the Hippocrates; and that I will assist them in their mission."
Consultant or Officer, optional: insert any simple clause that suits you, so long as it is additive and not subtractive. No appending "NOT!" to your oath.
Watch Officer/Captain: "I, <name>, do solemnly swear that I will protect the lives of my shipmates and guard the things they cherish; that I will justly and faithfully discharge my office; that I will support and defend the Linked Worlds against the Terrans and the Deciders with every power at my disposal; and that I will lay down life, fortune, and sacred honor, if by any of these things the Flames can be averted."