2778.109 -- This is the condensed form of the motion:
"Resolved: Heg rems not fixing broken gates. Cx/Nnh gate, firebreak.
A: Omph Reg. O: Link
Env Ccl speaks for A.
Imm Pass 82 18
Def to break"
2778.111 -- The full text (thanks to Max) reads:
On 2462.093, the resolution was made to break the jumpgate from Crux to Nonesuch. The remnants of the Hegemony appear to no longer be able to fix broken jumpgates, and this would serve as a firebreak between the Outworlds and the increasing chaos of the Inworlds. The resolution was adopted by Omphalos Regnant, and opposed by Linking Humanity. The Council of Envoys weighed in in favor of the resolution; the envoy from Nonesuch dissented. The resolution saw immediate passage, 82 to 18. The Defenders will be sending their flagship, the Valkyrie, to fire upon the jumpgate; one ship each from Bastion, Sparta, Creek, Pierogi, Lendt, Nonesuch, and Rupert's Hole will escort.