2778.119 -- The details of this are almost certainly inaccurate as written here. The Kings of Highguard did not have a plasma brand in Hegemonic times. More likely is that one of the other verfiers was an Elite, and it was he (or she) who placed the plasma brand at Artemis Melcamot's feet.

2778.131 -- I found a reference to a reference to a reference that mentions "and the King looked to the hooded one, who nodded, and he declared Artemus the true Hegemon." The inference that later references take is that whoever was in the hood had some ability to veto him on this, but it's still unclear who they were.

Another reference indicates that the three of them all came to Sanctuary from Highguard, so there may be more there.

2778.196 -- The King of Highguard at the time of the crash of the Hippocrates was Ronaldo VII, not Steffan I.

2778.214 -- N. says he hasn't turned up any primary sources, but he's found some secondaries, and one thing that's struck him as interesting is the way the oldest stories are told. The moral authority of the situation really isn't clear. In later versions, it clearly rests with the King of Highguard, who passes it to Artemus Melcamot. But that's an oversimplification, he thinks, and possibly even an accidental one. The older stories, he really thinks (and he's reading between the lines, he can't point to anything in specific) that there's a sense that the King is acting under someone else's direction, or with someone's permission. But he doesn't know who.

2778.243 -- Modesto Thorade says that there were three verifiers: the King of Highguard, the "last of the Elite", and someone else who did not speak (or perhaps only spoke to Artemis). I wonder if the third person is the moral authority the N. mentions.

2778.244 -- I wonder if the third person is Arista Nomarche. Certainly she (or another of the Nomarche line) might reasonably be expected to appear as a green gem.

2778.245 -- Jim says Ronaldo's heir and representative to the Council was Prince Bertrand the Scholar. The family name of King Ronaldo was Sturmkonig.

2778.255 -- The three people present at the verification of Artemis Melcamot and the founding of the blue Hegemony were King Steffan I (nephew of Ronaldo VII, and first king of Highguard), Arista Nomarche, and Garthane, her Elite. When Garthane died, he left his plasma brand to Steffan. Arista died without issue (having sworn never to marry or have children, possibly because she watched both her brother go mad) and was buried on Highguard.

The interesting question now is why did Arista & Garthane leave with the former door lock from her brother's Sanctum Sanctorum for Heidelmere, several years in advance of the destruction of Ridena?

2779.143 -- Jayla's vision from Juice seems to imply that the Melcamot line reigned as hegemons before the Telemon line (hers) and abdicated in their favor. (Certainly this is consistent with murmurings I'd heard that the Melcamots were from an earlier branch of Hegemons.) The vision also refers to the younger brother, who seems to represent the Nomarche line.

2779.180 - Jim confirms that Osiril Telemon succeeded to the throne after an abdication in 1519, presumably this is the line that eventually became known as Melcamot. [See note]
