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Electronic Mail (e-mail): Easy way of sending virtually instantaneous messages between two people on the internet.

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): The computer language that encodes the information on most web pages.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Rules governing World Wide Web data exchange that allow for image, text, and audio in web pages.

Instant Messaging (IM): Communication programs that permit direct real-time text messages between parties connected to the internet, like AOL IM and MSN Messenger

Internet Service Provider (ISP): Company that provides internet access to individuals, such as AOL and AT&T Worldnet

Mailing Lists: A collection of e-mail addresses that allows one to send questions and comments to the entire group.

Web Address: protocol://host.domain/directory/filename.htm. See Web Pages.

Web pages: Documents posted by individuals on the web, written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

Web surfing: Exploring the World Wide Web.

World Wide Web (WWW): Collection of billions of easily accessible web pages, which include text and pictures.