Created a safe and cost effective fine needle aspiration device for thyroid biopsies in order to improve diagnostic success rates and minimize the number of unnecessary surgeries. More Info
The robot was designed to autonomously pick and place shingles on a mock rooftop. It used a biased four bar linkage system with a pneumatic suction system to move the shingles and six wheel drive base to navigate around the rooftop. More Info
Combined principles from the Suzumori and Pneu-net actuator to create fingers that flex and grip. Additionally, attached fibrillar adhesive pads to the fingers to increase grip and manipulation. More Info
Nasogastric tubes are commonly used to evacuate the stomach during cases of small obstructive bowel syndrome and surgical operations, unfortunately the tube tip and bore is prone to clogging. A redesigned tube tip featuring helical slits, rather than holes, reduces clogging by both food particles and suction against the stomach mucosa. Should a clog still occur an in-line flusher has been developed that, with a single squeeze, can disconnect the vacuum, deliver a saline purge and reconnect the vacuum. Reduced clogging and easier flushing will improve patient comfort and reduce nursing staff workload. More Info
As team captain, led the Reactor Rage team in creating a robot to reach into a mock building, cool down a reactor, turn off associated piping, and move debris. More Info
Created Serenade, a robotic flower that acts as a guitar tuner. The flower bends from left to right based on how sharp or flat the tone is and bends forward while blooming if the sound being played is in tune.
The robot was designed to move booklets to the top of a pyramid and then pull down a heavy lever. An arm, consisting of a tower with two moving segments and a scissor gripper at the end, was designed to quickly grab and move the booklets. Meanwhile, the lever puller lowered a large metal frame over the lever; a lasso then grabbed onto the lever and pulled it down for a large bonus multiplier. More Info
The coffee cup holder is used to display exact kinematic constraints. A hemisphere under each cup creates a three-groove kinematic coupling that forces the top plate into the same position every time it is placed on the base. More Info
The robot is designed to hold a cake and battle other cake wielding robots on the Food Network Challenge.
In the three weeks of design and development, the team focused on robustness and the ability to plow through other robots and cakes. Acting as Jorg Amsler's cake, the robot quickly destroyed the other robots on the Food Network Challenge to win the challenge.
Competed in four FIRST competitions with Mills E. Godwin High School Robotics Team 540. I was president my senior year and engineering design lead for my junior and senior years.
The four robots:
Talon - racing robot with a massive claw to grab a ball and launch it over a bar
Triton - mecanum drive robot to hang tubes on a center rack
Pandora - pushing powerhouse with a baseball style ball shooter
CHOMP - scissor lift robot that was converted to expand for defensive play
The Vexplorer robot, which competed in the Grant Imahara VEXPlorer Robot Challenge, had a scissor grip with large rollers that pushed items into the claw and expanded the types of items the robot could pick up. Additionally, it featured a camera that could rotate 270 degrees.
Video of the entry can be found here (thanks to Andrew Burks for help with the video).
My interests span robotics and medical devices and I can often be found attempting to merge the two. This has led me to DePuy Synthes, where we're working on collaborative orthopedic robots to help surgeons.
After graduating from MIT with a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and a Master's from Carnegie Mellon, I worked on a variety of projects ranging from laparosopcoic surgical tools to pulmonology devices. Some of my most interesting results came from applying techniques common in robotics to the medical field. You can see some of my projects throughout the website and please feel free to contact me with any questions or just to chat about interesting projects.