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'copy' <set> <new_set> ['scal' <fx> <fy> <fz> <pnt> [a] ]|
['tra' <dx> <dy> <dz> [a]]|
['rot' <p1> <p2> <alfa> [a] ]|
['rot' 'x'|'y'|'z'|'p'<PNT> <dr> [a] ]|
['rad' <p1> <p2> <alfa>]|
['rad' 'x'|'y'|'z'|'p'<PNT> <dr> [a] ]|
['mir' <P1> <P2> [a] ]
This keyword is used to create a copy of a set (see seta about sets). Geometry, nodes and elements with their results can be copied. The copy of results is usefull to evaluate additional sectors in case of a cyclic symmetric calculation. The copy is included in the new set. Existing sets are extended by the copied entities if the last parameter ``a'' (append) is provided. Several transformations are available. For example scal creates a scaled copy, the scaling factors fx, fy, fz can be chosen independently,
Several transformations are available. For example scal creates a scaled copy, the scaling factors fx, fy, fz can be chosen independently,
copy part1 part2 scal 2 P0
copy part1 part2 scal 1 1 2 P0
tra will create a copy and will move it away by the vector dx, dy, dz and the optional parameter a will assign the new entities to sets were the mother of each entity is included,
copy set1 set2 tra 10 20 30 a
rot will create a copy and will move it around the axis defined by the points p1 and p2 by alfa degrees,
copy set1 set2 rot p0 px 20.
rad will create a copy and will move it radially to the x-, y- or z-axis or will create a spherical section if just a single point is defined,
copy cylinder1 cylinder2 rad x 20.
copy sphere1 sphere2 rad pP0 10.
mir will create a mirrored copy. The mirror-plane is placed normal to the direction running from P1 to P2 and placed at P2,
copy section1 section2 mir P1 P2.
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