1G-01 |
Great powers encourage close relations between the sides |
1G-02 |
Great powers do not encourage close relations between the
sides |
1G-03 |
A strong ally of one side had shown willingness to use force
in the region |
1G-04 |
A strong ally of one side was unwilling to use its force in
the region |
1G-05 |
Historic rivalry motivates great powers to exclude other's
forces from the area |
1G-06 |
Great power dispute leads to competition for favor of one
side's leadership |
1G-07 |
One side's increasing support from one great power, given
its proximity to a second, tends to isolate that side in a showdown |
1G-08 |
One side is receiving material support from an outside power |
1G-09 |
Neither side is receiving outside support |
1G-10 |
Great power concerns lead to stationing foreign troops in
one side |
1G-11 |
Increasing ties between one great power and "non-status
quo" side lead to its use as a base for former's regional penetration |
1G-12 |
Relations of "non-status quo" side with one great
power warm, while cooling with another |
1G-13 |
One superpower's concern with the other's military bases
coincides with "non-status quo" side's desires |
1G-14 |
Rivalry between great power allies of "non-status
quo" side encourages lack of restraint in that side's leadership |