2N-01 |
Religion of sides differs |
2N-02 |
One side sees its ethnic troubles as inspired by the other
side |
2N-03 |
"Status quo" side is split along ethnic and/or
religious or cultural lines |
2N-04 |
"Non-status quo" side is split along ethnic and/or
religious or cultural lines |
2N-05 |
One ethnic group has more political/economic power than
another |
2N-06 |
Clashes increase between one side and a dissident ethnic
group |
2N-07 |
Discontent increases within the other side of one side's
ethnic brethren |
2N-08 |
One side is committed to unification of ethnic group |
2N-09 |
Many on one side are linked ethnically with neighboring
group that achieved the same goal |
2N-10 |
There is a substantial flow of refugees |
2N-11 |
Minority group in "non-status quo" side disfavors
changing status quo |
2N-12 |
Sudden influx of population into area |
2N-13 |
Large migrant worker population in area |
2N-14 |
The sides have substantially different population density |