Structuring Conflict History for CASCON Analysis

CASCON provides a systematic approach to gathering, storing, and organizing information about a conflict situation in a structure suited to historical analogizing. There are three steps.  To see a more complete explanation of each step in the process, follow the links below.

  • Step 1.  Case Detail.  The first step in approaching a new case is to identify the parties, the locale, the issues in dispute, and the dates that mark the thresholds between phases. All of these items are shown on the Case Detail window in the computer.

  • Step 2.  Case Precis.  Having framed the case, the next step is to write a short history, or precis, summarizing the major features of the case organized by Phase. The case precis is shown in the Precis window in the computer.

  • Step 3.  Factor coding.  Next review and "code" the factors in each phase.  CASCON factors describe circumstances and events that have been influential in historical cases.   Determine whether each factor is present or not present in the new case.  If present, decide what influence the factor has in the case, whether toward or away from increased violence and to what degree.  Factor codings are shown in the Factors window in the computer.

To get an idea of how to prepare a new case, it is often helpful to browse through the historical cases in CASCON's database looking at Case Detail, Precis, and Factors windows.

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