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2017 BioMAN Summit

Commercialization of Cell and Gene Therapy Products:
The Impact of Critical Choices

The 2017 BioMAN Summit will bring together thought leaders from industry, academia, and government for a series of invited presentations and panel discussions that will:

  • Identify which of the technology choices manufacturers make during product and process development are likely to have the greatest impact on commercial success;
  • Examine how these key decisions impact factors such as product quality and economics;
  • Explore the technological state-of-the-art in these critical areas and identify existing gaps which force manufacturers to make difficult trade-offs;
  • Learn how MIT faculty are developing novel and relevant technologies and expertise to address these gaps; and
  • Discuss ways in which industry, academia, and government can come together to address these challenges.

Cell and gene therapies have great therapeutic potential.

However, translating that potential into a successful commercial product is a significant challenge.

MIT's Center for Biomedical Innovation (CBI) BioMAN Program will host a 2-day Summit that provides an in-depth investigation into some of the critical choices made during cell and gene therapy product development and how they impact commercial success.

-Confirmed Keynote-
Arvind Natarajan, Novartis
- Confirmed Presenters -

Alvaro Amorrortu, Solid Biosciences
Chris Ballas, WuXi AppTec
Jon Chen, IsoPlexis
Chia Chu, Pfizer
Robert Deans, BlueRock Therapeutics
Jennifer Griffin, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center
Veronika Jekerle, European Medicines Agency
Bharat Joshi, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Jeff Kennedy, GlaxoSmithKline
Stephen Kennedy, Histogenics
Richard McFarland, Standards Coordinating Body
Debra Meyer, Pfizer
Julie Murrell, MilliporeSigma
Someet Narang, MedImmune
David O’Dowd, Draper Labs
Nigel Pheasey, Amgen
Isabelle Rivière, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Gregory Russotti, Celgene
Richard Snyder, Brammer Bio
Austin Thiel, Semma Therapeutics
Krystyn Van Vliet, MIT
Lance Weed, uniQure

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