Abstract supertype of objects that contain other values, called elements, where it is possible to efficiently determine if a given value is an element. A Category may not be finite, and its elements may not even be countable. Thus, unlike streams, the elements of a generic Category are not iterable.

Category models a mathematical set, but is distinct from the Set collection type which represents finite sets.

The in operator may be used to determine if a value belongs to a Category:

if (69 in 0..100) { ... }
assert (key->item in { for (n in 0..100) n.string->n**2 });

An object may be a Category of two different disjoint element types. For example, String is a Category of its Characters and of its substrings.

if ("hello" in "hello world") { ... }
assert ('.' in string);

Every meaningful Category is formed from elements with some equivalence relation. Ordinarily, that equivalence relation is value equality. Thus, ordinarily, x==y implies that x in cat == y in cat. But this contract is not required since it is possible to form a meaningful Category using a different equivalence relation. For example, an IdentitySet is a meaningful Category, where the equivalence relation is identity equality.

Since Null is not considered to have any meaningful equivalence relation, a Category may not contain the null value.

Note that even though Category<Element> is declared contravariant in its Element, most types that inherit Category are covariant in their element type, and therefore satisfy Category<Object>, resulting in some loss of typesafety. For such types, contains() should return false for any value that is not an instance of the element type. For example, String is a Category<Object>, not a Category<Character|String>, and x in string evaluates to false for every x that is not a String or Character.

By: Gavin

no type hierarchy

no supertypes hierarchy

Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
containsSource Codeshared formal Boolean contains(Element element)

Returns true if the given value belongs to this Category, that is, if it is an element of this Category, or false otherwise.

For most Categorys the following relationship is satisfied by every pair of elements x and y:

  • if x==y, then x in category == y in category

However, it is possible to form a useful Category consistent with some other equivalence relation, for example ===. Therefore implementations of contains() which do not satisfy this relationship are tolerated.

containsAnySource Codeshared default Boolean containsAny({Element*} elements)

Returns true if any one of the given values belongs to this Category, or false otherwise.

containsEverySource Codeshared default Boolean containsEvery({Element*} elements)

Returns true if every one of the given values belongs to this Category, or false otherwise.

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object