A contract for identifying instances, specifying their classes, attributes, elements and values, and ultimately reconstructing those instances.

Instances are identified using the Id's semantics for equality. The methods of this interface can be called in any order; the id serves to associate each method invocation with the instance(s) to pertains to. The only constraint is that reconstruct() will throw if the context lacks enough information to fully initialize the requested instance or any instance reachable from it. Reference cycles are supported.

For example, given

serializable class Person(name, employer) {
    shared String name;
    shared Company employer;
serializable class Company(name) {
    shared String name;
    shared late Person owner;

And an instance graph corresponding to:

value wonkaInc = Company("Wonka Inc.");
value willy = Person("Willy Wonka", wonkaInc);
value umpaLumpa = Person("Umpa lumpa", wonkaInc);
wonkaInc.owner = willy;

Then we could reconstruct that instance graph like so:

value dc = deserialization<String>();

dc.attribute("ww", `value Person.name`, "wwn");
dc.attribute("ww", `value Person.employer`, "wi");
dc.attribute("ul", `value Person.name`, "uln");
dc.attribute("ul", `value Person.employer`, "wi");
dc.attribute("wi", `value Company.name`, "win");
dc.attribute("wi", `value Company.owner`, "ww");

dc.instanceValue("win", "Wonka Inc.");
dc.instanceValue("wwn", "Willy Wonka");
dc.instanceValue("uln", "Umpa lumpa");

dc.instance("wi", `Company`);
dc.instance("ww", `Person`);
dc.instance("ul", `Person`);

value wonkaInc2 = dc.reconstruct<Company>("wi");
value willy2 = dc.reconstruct<Person>("ww");
value umpaLumpa2 = dc.reconstruct<Person>("ul");

assert(wonkaInc2.owner === willy2);
assert(willy2.employer === wonkaInc2);
assert(umpaLumpa2.employer === wonkaInc2);

The calls to attribute, instanceValue() and instance() could be in any order.

no type hierarchy

no supertypes hierarchy

no subtypes hierarchy

Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
attributeSource Codeshared formal void attribute(Id instanceId, ValueDeclaration attribute, Id attributeValueId)

The value of the given attribute of the instance with the given instanceId has given attributeValueId.

elementSource Codeshared formal void element(Id instanceId, Integer index, Id elementValueId)

The value at the given index of the Array instance with the given instanceId has given elementValueId.

instanceSource Codeshared formal void instance(Id instanceId, ClassModel<Anything,Nothing> clazz)

The given instanceId refers to an instance of the given class.

instanceValueSource Codeshared formal void instanceValue(Id instanceId, Anything instanceValue)

The instance with the given instanceId has the given value.

This can used to register non-serializable instances with the context, for example object declarations.

memberInstanceSource Codeshared formal void memberInstance(Id containerId, Id instanceId)

The given instanceId is a member of the instance with the given containerId.

This is used for member class instances.

reconstructSource Codeshared formal Instance reconstruct<Instance>(Id instanceId)

Get the instance with the given instanceId reconstructing it if necessary.

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object