Cambridge MA, 2002-06-08 16 images
tree::Wild Flowers>Cambridge MA, 2002-06-08
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My new camera (a Canon PowerShot S200) arrived yesterday afternoon. I'd gone out with it yesterday evening, but had been failing to use macro mode, and was too tired and grumpy to get good shots.

As a real trial run for the camera, I decided to look in various places along the train tracks between Broadway Street and over as far as Fort Washington Park, in Cambridge. Pete stopped by to pick up some stuff, and decided to join me.

Our first stop was on Broadway Street, where we poked around under the rotating billboard and then in the mowed grass across the street. We then walked along Vassar Street, and picked up the train tracks again where they cross Mass. Ave. I didn't find much else of interest until we reached the Fort Washington Park crossing, where I took the rest of the pictures.

I introduced Pete to eating purple clover, and discouraged him from taking home the big metal pipes.

Image List

Rough Bedstraw, Gallium asprellum  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : There was a whole thicket of this bedstraw. I had some trouble getting a clear picture of it, but this one shows some of the hard round burrs slightly below center, as well as the four petalled white flowers. It's very very scratchy, and the fact that the leaves are mostly in sixes distinguishes it from cleavers which have leaves in eights.
Common Name : Rough Bedstraw
Latin Name : Gallium asprellum
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Ladybug  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : Incidentally, macro mode on the camera works well, when I get it to focus on the right thing. The plant the ladybug's sitting on is one I don't recognise; I'll try to figure out what it is when it flowers, since I'm sure it's common.
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : In the mowed area on the other side of Broadway, we found these. They're really quite tiny and fuzzy.
Common Name : Storksbill
Latin Name : Erodium cicutarium
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : Here's a closeup view.
Common Name : Storksbill
Latin Name : Erodium cicutarium
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Storksbill, Erodium cicutarium  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : Here's a closeup view.
Common Name : Storksbill
Latin Name : Erodium cicutarium
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Stonecrop, Sedum sarmentosum  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : I'm not quite sure of my identification here, so suggest something closer, if you disagree. There's lots and lots of this in the roughly mowed grass, and it's quite springy.

That it's a lot more green than it is yellow makes me think I might have mis-identified it.

Common Name : Stonecrop
Latin Name : Sedum sarmentosum
Location : Where the train tracks cross Broadway Street, near Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Nightshade, Solanum dulcamara  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : This is familiar to most people, but I want my collection to be complete.
Common Name : Nightshade
Latin Name : Solanum dulcamara
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08 15:46
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Sulpher Cinquefoil, Potentilla recta  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : This is common enough; I've been biking past more than one clump every day, but this picture came out well enough that I wanted it here.
Common Name : Sulpher Cinquefoil
Latin Name : Potentilla recta
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08 15:48
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Common St. Johnswort, Hypericum perforatum  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : This specimen looks a little ragged; I also don't see the spots that Peterson's claims should be there, but otherwise it fits. I'll try to get another look and some better photos of it, later.
Common Name : Common St. Johnswort
Latin Name : Hypericum perforatum
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08 15:50
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Curled Dock, Rumex crispus  Sm    Med    Lg  
Common Name : Curled Dock
Latin Name : Rumex crispus
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Curled Dock, Rumex crispus  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : Detail of seeds.
Common Name : Curled Dock
Latin Name : Rumex crispus
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Wild Pansy, Viola tricolor  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : When the flowers are fresher, they've got a purple shading to their top edges, and they've always got a yellow throat. This specimen is fairly bushy, but it seems to get by among grass that's mowed. The flowers are small, less than half an inch.

Thanks to M. K. Ramm for identifying this, since both Peterson's guide and the Audubon one let me down here. As best I can tell from the web, there's considerably showier variants that are cultivated, which may be why I had so much trouble.

Common Name : Wild Pansy
Latin Name : Viola tricolor
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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King Devil, Hieracium pratense  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : There's leaves at the bottom of the very long stem (the whole thing is a bit taller than knee high), which are smooth edged, but have the same kind of long dark bristles that the stem has.

Maybe I'll catch it with flowers open, one of these days.

Common Name : King Devil
Latin Name : Hieracium pratense
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Common Cinquefoil, Potentilla simplex  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : These grow everywhere, but this time the picture came out, so I figured I'd include it. It's sprawly and not upright like the sulpher cinquefoil is.

A cinquefoil in the mowed area across Vassar Street from here got me interested in the local wildflowers, after I had trouble identifying it. Of course, the answer to "what has leaves in threes like a strawberry and little yellow flowers?" turned out to be "a cinquefoil that got run over by a lawnmower" but I now greet these like old friends when I see them.

Common Name : Common Cinquefoil
Latin Name : Potentilla simplex
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Common Mullein, Verbascum thapsus  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : At least, I think that's what that is. I'll be more sure when it flowers. Pete stopped to pet it.
Common Name : Common Mullein
Latin Name : Verbascum thapsus
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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Great Burdock, Arctium lappa  Sm    Med    Lg  
Description : The bugs seem really into this. The groove along the top of the stem distinguishes it from the common burdock.
Common Name : Great Burdock
Latin Name : Arctium lappa
Location : The train tracks near Fort Washington Park, Cambridge, MA
Date : 2002-06-08
Event : A Walk along the train tracks, Cambridge MA
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