Kutnicki, Aron

Birth Name Kutnicki, Aron
Gramps ID I0047
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth [E0051] 1908    

Court Case [E0069] 1931   Aron Kutnicki and Srul Kejzmana, criminal case accused of disturbing the public peace

Court Case [E0070] 1930   Arona Kutnicki, Benjamin Kutnickiego, accused of interference with meat

Court Case [E0071] 1933   Arona Kutnicki, criminal case accused of of assault and battery



Father Kutnicki, Szlama Chaim [I0016]
Mother Kutnicki, Rojza Perla [I0017]
  1. Kutnicki, Bajla Malka [I0048]
  2. Kutnicki, Abram [I0058]


Unknown Partner Kutnicki [I0059]


The older Aron Kutnicki, born in 1891 consistently is spelled as Uryn, while the young Aron, born in 1908 spells his name Aron(a).

Source References

  1. Arrest form for Aron Kutnicki and Srul Kejzmana [S0026]
  2. Aron Kutnicki and Srul Kejzmana, criminal case accused of disturbing the public peace [S0049]
  3. Arona Kutnicki, Benjamin Kutnickiego, accused of interference with meat [S0050]
  4. Arona Kutnicki, criminal case accused of of assault and battery [S0051]


  1. Kutnicki, Szlama Chaim
    1. Kutnicki, Rojza Perla
      1. Kutnicki, Bajla Malka
      2. Kutnicki, Aron
        1. Kutnicki
      3. Kutnicki, Abram
