Kutnicki, Abram

Birth Name Kutnicki, Abram
Gramps ID I0000
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Birth [E0023] 1914-12-11 Otwock, Poland  

[1] [2]
Occupation [E0024] 1936 Otwock, Poland Butcher

Court Case [E0072] 1936   Chaim Kutnicki, Abram Kutnicki, Moszek Goldfarb criminal case accused of hiding the meat of clandestine slaughtering

Residence [E0020] 1932-02-00 Kupieca/Aleksandra/Staszica 24  

[4] [5] [6] [1]


Father Kutnicki, Aron [I0003]
Mother Kutnicki, Bina [I0008]
  1. Kutnicki, Chaim [I0009]

Source References

  1. Arrest form for Abram Kutnicki [S0025]
  2. Abram Kutnicki son of Aaron, birth certificate [S0037]
  3. Chaim Kutnicki, Abram Kutnicki, Moszek Goldfarb criminal case accused of hiding the meat of clandestine slaughtering [S0052]
  4. Court case Urin Kutnicki against Szlama Kutnicki [S0023]
  5. Uryn Info Decl. from Court case 8476 criminal case Moszek Goldfarb, and Chaim Kutnicki and Abram Kutnicki defendants. Article 138 k.k. [about hiding the meat of clandestine slaughtering] [S0015]
  6. Abram Info Decl. from Court case 8476 criminal case Moszek Goldfarb, and Chaim Kutnicki and Abram Kutnicki defendants. Article 138 k.k. [about hiding the meat of clandestine slaughtering] [S0014]


  1. Kutnicki, Aron
    1. Kutnicki, Bina
      1. Kutnicki, Chaim
      2. Kutnicki, Abram
