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2.2.3 Commands and Functions returning INT
abs absolute value of a number
AffHilbertFn the affine Hilbert function
AsINT convert into an INT
binomial binomial coefficient
BinomialRepr, BinomialReprShift binomial representation of integers
Bool01 Convert a boolean to an integer
ceil round rational up to integer
characteristic the characteristic of a ring
ContFrac continued fraction quotients
count count the objects in a list
deg the standard degree of a polynomial or moduleelem
den denominator
depth Depth of a module
dim the dimension of a ring or quotient object
div quotient for integers
EvalHilbertFn evaluate the Hilbert function
factorial factorial function
FactorMultiplicity multiplicity of a factor of an integer
floor round rational down to integer
FloorLog2, FloorLog10, FloorLogBase integer part of the logarithm
FloorSqrt (truncated) square root of an integer
gcd greatest common divisor
GFanContainsPositiveVector ...
GFanGetAmbientDimension ...
GFanGetCodimension ...
GFanGetDimension ...
GFanGetDimensionOfLinealitySpace ...
GradingDim Number of components in weighted degree
HilbertFn the Hilbert function
IndetIndex index of an indeterminate
iroot integer part of r-th root of an integer
lcm least common multiple
len the length of an object
LogCardinality extension degree of a finite field
LPosn the position of the leading power-product in a ModuleElem
MayerVietorisTreeN1 N-1st Betti multidegrees of monomial ideals using Mayer-Vietoris trees
MinPowerInIdeal the mininum power of a polynomial is an ideal
mod remainder for integers
multiplicity the multiplicity (degree) of a ring or quotient object
NextPrime find the next largest prime number
NextProbPrime find the next largest probable prime number
num numerator
NumCols number of columns in a matrix
NumCompts the number of components
NumGens number of generators
NumIndets number of indeterminates
NumPartitions number of partitions of an integer
NumRows number of rows in a matrix
NumTerms number of terms in a polynomial
PowerMod compute a modular power efficiently
PrimitiveRoot find a primitive root modulo a prime
random random integer
randomized randomize the coefficients of a given polynomial
reg Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of a module
RegularityIndex regularity index of a Hilbert function or series
RingID identification for ring
rk rank of a matrix or module
RootBound bound on roots of a polynomial over QQ
round round to integer
seed seed for random
sign the sign of a number
TimeOfDay the current time
UnivariateIndetIndex the index of the indeterminate of a univariate polynomial