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Agenda Examples

Team Meetings

Agenda for Meetings

Agendas are used to promote team creativity and self-management in action planning, decision-making, problem solving, work process improvement, goal setting, and mission development. Set a realistic agenda to provide the structure and format to be used by the team. Decide on a certain format and maintain it. Consider the agenda the action plan for the meeting. The first step to accomplishing effective time management and organization is to create dynamic agendas for your team.

Some items that should appear on an agenda include the following:

  • Decisions that need to be made.
  • Preparation needed before activities are undertaken.
  • Brainstorming activities in areas where ideas need to be generated.
  • Priority amongst topics.
  • Time management updates by presenting changes to action plans.
  • Time frame for the meeting.
  • Allocation of time for the different items on the agenda.
  • Identify time frame to accomplish each task discussed and assign to team members their responsibilities.
  • Identify facilitator for meeting or for different topics on the agenda.
  • Always leave ten minutes or more on the agenda to discuss team issues.

Action plans and time management plans are essential agenda topics before the end of each meeting. If the tasks are complicated team members should be assigned the task of creating an action plan for each project, which is distributed to all team members. Assignment of these tasks can be planned before the meeting and placed on the agenda. Deadlines for submitting these action plans are essential.

Agenda Guidelines

What to include:

Subject line of e-mail : Last Name  -  Team#  -  Agenda  -  Date

Send to team members, TA, and anyone else designatede by instructors.

Comments and additions are appreciated.

  1. Place, Time and Date of Meeting, and how long will meeting be?
  2. Estimate time for each agenda item.
  3. Socialize for 5 minutes and list as an agenda item.
  4. State key topic of meeting.
  5. State importance and deadline for key topic.
  6. Put in time for comments on agenda on each topic.
  7. Define Goals for the meeting with time to discuss listed.
  8. State any problems from last meeting to discuss.
  9. Assign team priorities and available time to address these issues.
  10. List any solutions you feel would be helpful.
  11. Leave time to brainstorm and prioritize possible to problems.
  12. Decide which tasks which tasks will be done by each team member.
  13. Discuss Time Management at every meeting. Review your monthly planner.
  14. Time for feedback from team on issues discussed at the meeting.
  15. Leave ten minutes at end of meeting to discuss team issues.
  16. Summarize results of the meeting.
  17. Tentative or completed action plans to be reviewed should be sent as attachment.