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Planning and Executing Your Project


Work Breakdown Structure: Decomposing the Project

Identify the major elements of the project. Start with the goals of each team member and the goals of the project. Complete the following Goal-Setting Exercise and list your personal goals. (assignment due in Progress Report #1)

  1. Each team member should write down three short-term goals. These are goals that you should be able to accomplish or begin to accomplish during the project. Before you begin formulating your three short-term personal goals, give yourself a reality check.
    1. Do you take the risk of telling people exactly how you behave or do you tell people how you wish you could behave?
    2. Are there skills, abilities, and knowledge you possess that can be developed further by being honest about how you act in collaborative situations?
    3. What are your competencies?
    4. What competencies do you need to develop further?
    5. Do you have the ability to abandon emotional responses (like blaming people) when the unexpected happens and help your team members clarify what inside or outside forces contributed to the frustrations or unexpected circumstances in your project?

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      Name of Team Member
      Goal #1___________________________________
      Goal #2 __________________________________
      Goal #3___________________________________

      (Submit this portion with your First Progress Report)

  2. Present your three goals to the team. Discuss whether or not you think you can accomplish the goals within the context of the team task. Will you have to make changes in your life to make the personal goals work within the context of the team's goals? When a team members succeeds in accomplishing a personal goal it motivates team members to accomplish the team goals.3. Remember to incorporate these goals into your action plan. (There are still a few more steps until they actually start writing their action plans.)

    Now brainstorm to formulate the long term and short term goals for the team and list them here: (This section was moved forward to improve flow.)

    Long Term Team Goals
    Goal #1___________________________________
    Goal #2 __________________________________
    Goal #3___________________________________
    Goal #5 __________________________________
    Goal #6 __________________________________
    Goal #7 __________________________________
    Goal #8 ___________________________________
    Goal #9 ____________________________________

    Short Term Team Goals
    Goal #1___________________________________
    Goal #2 __________________________________
    Goal #3___________________________________
    Goal #4___________________________________
    Goal #5 __________________________________
    Goal #6 __________________________________
    Goal #7 __________________________________
    Goal #8 ___________________________________
    Goal #9 ____________________________________

    Your goals should also include gaining or developing competencies. List the Competencies from the Team Questionnaire that you and your team members wish to develop during the task process:

    Team Member Name

    Team Member Name

    Team Member Name

    Your Competencies:

    Remember to incorporate working on these Competencies into your action plan.


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