MIT Presidential Task Force
on Student Life and Learning

Report of the MIT InterFraternity Council
Committee on R/O Proposals

Fall 1997

Section II: Residence

Part A: More Information Regarding Residence Selection

During the Winter & Spring

During the Summer

During Orientation

During Residence Selection

After Residence Selection

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Part B: Improving the Residence Selection Experience

Placing the interests of freshmen as the top priority, the IFC will aim to tone down the intensity and hectic nature of FSILG Rush and will continue to take measures to ensure that the residence selection process is as positive an experience as possible for all parties involved.

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Part C: Increasing Residence Options

Even though there are less residence options available to females, women have generally responded more favorably than men when asked about their R/O experiences. 4 This statistic should not preclude the Institute, through RCA, to facilitate the process of bringing more residential options for females to campus in order to "level the playing field". These options would be in the form of more co-ed living groups, all-female living groups and dormitories, and residential sororities.

Part D: Ensuring the Safety of Freshmen Living in Institute-Approved Housing

All FSILGs housing freshmen must be recognized as Institute-approved housing. Redefining and expanding the criteria that a residential FSILG must pass in order to attain Institute-approved housing status will help ensure the safety of students living in FSILGs. The set of criteria should be publicized to concerned parents and faculty members as well. Sample criteria would include:
  1. Obtaining annual lodging house license & egress inspection certificates to ensure the safety of the physical plant of residences (fire safety, etc.).
  2. Compliance with Massachusetts laws and MIT and IFC policies forbidding hazing.
  3. Compliance with MIT and IFC risk management policies, including the new policy mandating that all FSILG new member activities will be alcohol-free. 5

Part E: Student Exposure to Diversity

The IFC is proud of its diversity among and within its affiliations. According to the 1989 Potter Report, "diversity" is already present within FSILGs. 6 In the eight years since this report was released, the diversity profile of FSILGs along ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds has only improved

To further address issues regarding diversity, however, the IFC urges the faculty and administration to evaluate methods to promote mutual understanding and social learning in the classroom environment and in the out-of-class settings of extracurricular activities. Leave the good friendships, the sense of community, and the willing and available upperclass student support that are provided by our families away from homeour living groupsintact.

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