MIT Presidential Task Force
on Student Life and Learning

Report of the MIT InterFraternity Council
Committee on R/O Proposals

Fall 1997


MIT's fall residence selection is a process that works as evidenced by the high satisfaction rates expressed by students both past and present. 7 The concerns expressed by students, parents, faculty, and administrators, however, point to several shortcomings in the system as well. As such, it is evident that the fall orientation and residence selection system only requires minor refinements and not major overhauls.

When considering what programs will provide students with the most positive introduction and on-going learning experience during their first-year and beyond, the IFC urges the faculty and administration to focus on expanding the scope and effectiveness of Orientation and year-round academic programs and support services to achieve its objectives.

With the reforms proposed in this document in place, the Institute will have a solid foundation from which future refinements to Orientation can be built upon. The desires of students, faculty, and administrators can be mutually compatible when all parties commit to work together and share their concerns. Only in an collaborative engagement will the vision of an "MIT Orientation" that reflects the interests of the entire MIT community at large - especially those of its newest members - be fulfilled.

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