Real World Ethics Course Schedule


  1. Orientation: Professional Responsibility and Common Problems
  2. Professional Responsibility I: Safety, Truth Telling, and Controling Mistakes
  3. Rights and Responsibilities in Relationships with Managers & Supervisors
  4. Responsibility for Research Integrity and for Research Subjects
  5. Responsibilities and the Environment
  6. Fair Credit & Managing Conflicting Interests
  7. Diversity in the Workplace Revisited

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    Section 1. Orientation: Professional Responsibility and Common Problems

    Feb. 5:
    Overview of course topics. Ethics in a pluralistic society agreement on cases. Moral & Non-Moral Values. Discussion of mini-project to be given the week of February 18. Moral problems in engineering and scientific practice.
    For Next Class

    Feb. 10:
    Engineering Societies' codes of ethics and other ethical guidelines. Ethical judgments of the actions of engineers by the Board of Ethical Review (BER) of the National Society for Professional Engineering (NSPE)
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 2. Professional Responsibility I: Safety, Truth Telling, and Controlling Mistakes

    Feb. 12:
    Professional Responsibility, ethical standards and paradigm cases. Fulfilling the Responsibility for Safety and for the Integrity of Research Results. Truth, lies, and "self-deception": Why do people want to believe certain falsehoods? How do truth telling and maintaining confidentiality bear on professional responsibility?
    Use Selection of Data from OBAS.
    Distribute videos of Roger Boisjoly to each team.
    Assignment for This Class
    Assignment for next week (Feb. 18 & 19)
    Instructions for mini-project for next week (Feb. 18 or 19)

    Feb. 18: (Monday schedule due to President's Day)
    Present miniprojects.
    Assignment for This Class

    Feb. 19:
    Mini-projects Application of ethical concepts from Part 1 & 2 of Introduction on Concepts
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Feb. 24:
    Completion of oral presentations of mini-projects, quiz review, and discussion of rights and human rights
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Feb. 26:
    12-minute quiz on ethical concepts in Parts 1 & 2
    Discussion of the pressures associated with delivering bad news, or using complaint channels
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Mar. 3:
    Discuss the William LeMessurier case and begin discussion of ethical responsibility.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Mar. 5:
    Discuss Parts 3 & 4 of Introduction on Concepts
    Discuss responsibility & software.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 3. Rights and Responsibilities in Relationships with Managers & Supervisors

    The week of Mar. 10: Each student should send an email proposal for a final project to the instructor.

    Mar. 10:
    12-minute quiz on Parts 3 & 4 of Introduction on Concepts
    Workplace Rights and Responsibilities: Delivering bad news, engineers to managers, or physicians-in-training to physicians in charge (This topic has been brought froward in the schedule because it bears on the problems that most students will have for their final projects.)
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Mar. 12:
    Workplace Rights and Responsibilities: workers rights & relationships in the workplace
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 4. Responsibility for Research Integrity and for Research Subjects

    Mar. 17:
    Responsibility in Research 1: From Research Misconduct to Research Integrity
    A NOVA video, "Do Scientists Cheat?" will be shown in the classroom beginning at 8:45 a.m. Viewing this video is recommended but not required. The video gives background and details of some famous cases of research misconduct.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class
    Final Projects

    Mar. 19:
    Responsibility in Research 1: From Research Misconduct to Research Integrity, continued
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class


    March 31:
    The Treatment of Research Subjects, Humans as Experimental Subjects in Research and Industry, The so-called XYY Syndrome, the Ethical Standard of Informed Consent and the DOE radiation experiments, the responsibilities engendered by relationship
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class
    Final Projects

    Apr. 2:
    The Brave New World of Genetic & Chromosomal Information
    A video, "the Burden of Knowledge" will be shown in class. This video presents interviews with families making a variety of ethical and value judgments to decide how to cope in face of the news with the news that the baby they are expecting will be afflicted with a disabling condition, a condition with great variation in the degree of disability it produces.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 5. Responsibilities and the Environment

    Apr. 7:
    Responsibility for the Environment
    Report on your progress on the final project.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class
    Final Projects

    Apr. 9:
    Responsibility for the Environment: Environmental risks as health risks and understanding responsibility for endangered species and endangered ecosystems where there is no risk to human health
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 6. Credit & Responsibility in Research, Design or Clinical Practice

    Apr. 14:
    Fair Credit and the Responsibility in Research
    Report on progress on your final project.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Apr. 16:
    Intellectual Property & Patents
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class
    Final Projects

    Apr. 21:
    Patriot's Day Vacation- No Class

    Apr. 23:
    Intellectual Property & Patents
    Report on progress on your final project.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class
    Final Projects

    Apr. 28:
    Discussion of Means for the Social Control of Technology.
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    Section 7. Diversity in the Workplace Revisited

    Apr 30:
    Sexual Harassment & the hostile work environment
    Assignment for This Class
    For Next Class

    May 5:
    Underrepresented minorities and diversity in the technology work force Asian-Americans the Special Predicament of the "Represented Minority" in Science Policies at MIT and in Industry.
    Assignment for This Class
    Final Projects

    May 7: No class meeting

    May 12:
    Presentation of final projects.
    Final Projects

    May 14:
    Presentation of final projects.
