Abandoned Building

Produced by El Nigris for Waterhole Productions

(MoTell- Verse 1)

I noticed all the old rubble,
and broken windows and broken windows,
formed spiderwebs of silver
Broke plastic and broken plastic, resembled some
small ghosts, outside of a casket
mainly, I remember the main things
mainly, I remember the bad things
basically, how I was then home broken,
chokin' on buddha from these tokens.
Called a %^@#!, so many days of my life,
carried a knife, "a switch" to save my-good-life.
a small military marshmallow,
surrounded- by hard common criminals.
in an absolute invisible tenant building....uh hummmmmm.....

(PoloMindstein- Verse 2)

There went the blast,
I saw the structure tumble down,
then roamed around
my old apartment on the ground,
kicked through the bricks
to see what's left in the debris,
the smoke doesn't clear quickly,
I can't see
Only fiends,
bodies been drug through the mud,
the water's getting thicker,
will I drown in the blood
Windows out of which,
broken lines used to hang,
witness the signs of time,
as we wonder why they change
I'm fighting nightmares,
stares of the Grim Reaper,
Satan's got a beeper,
getting pages- it's major
Demonic ritual,
where bricks used to stand,
and the children,
like the building- abandoned.

Second Summer
UDC Music
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